Housing in Newham
Hi Mamas!
I’m a mum of two boys! Oldest is 10 years old going 11 in May! My second is 14months and I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant with a babygirl! I live in a two bed housing association flat with an open plan kitchen! My toddler is walking and playing around so the open plan poses some risks for my toddler especially with the appliances! The flat is extremely small too
I am not currently bidding through council or my Housing Association!
What can I do to get a a bigger space please? Any suggestions or help is welcome and appreciated
Hi I used to be homeless housing manager for Manchester council before my move to London. I would suggest get yourself on the register because there is such a long wait, were talking between 5-6yrs. Also look at private rented properties and ask your local council for financial support or if you are claiming UC then you can put in your housing costs. Please look at your local housing allowance and see what rate you can claim for. Hope this helps x