Emergency vs planned

Please can I just ask all those that have had an emergency c-section AND then further on to a planned what the difference in recovery was like? Why do they say a planned sections recovery is easier?
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Dare i say.... It was easy 😬 4 days pp after my scheduled, i was at home, on the floor, playing with my toddler. 4 days pp after my emergency, i was still in a hospital bed, catheter, IV, bloated, in pain. So, so different.

Emergency c sections r harder to recover from because it's much rougher and traumatic on the body when it's an emergency c section they have 10 minutes to get the baby out so they aren't as gentle and they rag u around a lot more and then just push ur organs out of the way and the incision is usually a bit higher up then a regular c section, so u have to recover from the c section and the physical and mental trauma of it being an emergency when u have a planned c section u have tha ability to plan and prepare mental and physically but with emergency it comes out of nowhere. Planned c sections r much calmer and gentle and then can take there time to get baby out, that can make cuts where they want to they can take their time getting through the 7 layers u have to get through to get to baby, they can take there time sewing you back up and because u knew it was going to happen you have already organised help and support, medications you've set ur house up to accommodate that ur recovering for surgery x

Hope that makes sense, in order to have an emergency c section ur body or baby is usually in a lot of stress or pain or something is already going wrong so that as well of being cut open in a rush is a lot more painful x

I'm having a planned one in 3 weeks after having an emergency one so don't know what it's like recovery wise yet but both my consultant and someone that I knew that had an emergency then a planned said that eith the emergency because they were in labour for hours prior, come the csection they're exhausted mentally and physically which meant recovery was harder. Planned was easier due to not being in labour beforehand. Makes sense as with my first I was in labour for almost 24 hours. X

It depends what level of ‘emergency’ the unplanned c section is as to how rushed it is. Not all will need to be done in 10mins, not all will mean being tugged around or being under duress. My first was considered ‘emergency’ but it was because I’d laboured for 74 hours and had stopped dilating. There was no issues with myself (other than being exhausted) or baby. For me the hardest part of my recovery was the exhaustion because my body had laboured for so long before having the section. With my second I opted for an elective and recovery itself was very much the same, but my body hadn’t laboured for days on end beforehand so I felt more rested afterwards.

When I had my elective, I woke up rested and calm and went to hospital. I walked into theatre and had my boy out in 6 minutes. My body and my baby didn’t go through hours of labour, interventions, stress, adrenaline, exhaustion. You only recover from surgery, not surgery, trauma and exhaustion xx

@N 💞 i had a very similar experience, 78 hours of labour, 100% effaced, and a whopping 4cm 🫣😅 Not eating or sleeping for 3 days was horrendous. My son's HB was all over the place though, so once the decision was made, it went very quickly!

I had an ‘emergency’ first after a failed induction, very easy recovery, then I had an elective section, it took absolutely ages to get baby out as I had a lot of scar tissue and they ended up using forceps, recovery was very very hard. Recovery is different for everyone

Emergency c section they are hurrying and it’s very traumatic. Where as a planned is clam they talk to you everything is more relaxed and less traumatic. My recovery the first time was horrific. My planned c section was blissful. I was up and walking that night. Couldn’t tell I had had surgery I looked like it was just another day 😂

@Natasha not all emergency sections are traumatic, please don’t say that.

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