Need to rant - my life!

I’ve been going out with her son for 4.5 years now, we moved into our first house together 2023, a month into living together it came with some arguments as it does (we were learning about each others home habits etc) well we got drunk one night and had a HUGE argument (me and BF) and BF decided to call his MUM ffs! Well that caused a bigger argument but let’s fast forward to the MIL bit…. She hasn’t spoken to me since! AND we work together…. Yep she is currently next door to my office as I’m writing this! Anyways I am now currently 11 weeks pregnant with my first child and we decided to tell the parents early. To say her face was a picture is an understatement, the realisation that she’s stuck with me for life knocked her for 6 basically! Not once has she bothered to ask me how I am etc, how her grandchild is growing or even offered me any first time mum advice. My BF calls her and tells her millstones, for example we had 2 early scans. I am very vocal on how I feel about this woman to my BF who is in agreement but is a typical mummy’s boy who won’t stand up to his mum. His words were and I quote “you never know she might help you out the car when you have a huge bump” I just laughed! I absolutely hate her with all my might and literally can not wait for the day I give birth when she asked to see the baby etc and I say no sorry we’re busy or no not convenient! I won’t deprive my child of seeing it’s grandparents but she will soon learn that her actions come with consequences and ultimately it’s my decision and her being a b**** to me all this time will hopefully make her feel hurt as to how she’s made me feel!
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When we told my mil I was pregnant first thing she said was “don’t ever ask me to babysit” now that my daughter is 1 my mother in law has argued with me over breast feeding my daughter “you’re not going to be one of those weird moms who breast feeds them until a year right” “we I only formula fed and my kids are fine” “you guys abuse her because she doesn’t have a blanket on” “I want to pierce her ears” when I told her no that I don’t want it done with a gun. She proceeded to argue with me about how her ears are fine and she had them done as a baby. “I want a separate birthday party for her because I don’t want to see (my husbands dad).” “You should sign over custody to me because I’ll get free child care at work” she also asks my BIL every time he comes over if our house was clean. She also wants to be called mommy by MY daughter. She called me again the other day saying she found a “Mexican lady that will do her ear piercing at home”. She refused to step more than a single foot in

My home stating it because we don’t allow shoes in the house. Believe me it only get worse. She doesn’t listen when we tell her stop giving her formula, don’t do this, don’t do that. I’m at a constant battle with her and my husband doesn’t give a flying fuck half the time. The best you can do is either vent, don’t let it bug you or put the bitch in her place

Omg Vanessa, how do you cope I would have slapped the woman by now! Hats off to you though going through all this. Sounds like you have a MIL from hell hun x

I have to keep my mouth shut. My husbands grandma watches my daughter while we work and only charges us 100 a week compared to the hundreds that people want to charge. Usually my brother in law will stand up for me when he sees what’s going on. Other than that I’ll just keep quiet. If I talk to my mom about it her response is “do you want me to get involved” and if you know anything about my mom she’s just a raging bitch half the time which would go terribly for me in the long run. My husband just defends his mom half the time which I get. I do the same when my mom isn’t “up to par”. My “best friend” and I fell out and any time I even used to talk to her about it she’d complain saying all I do is complain and I’m so awkward when it comes to making friends that I’m singled myself out to the point my husband is my only friend

Oh darling this is awful! My mum’s the same, she wants to say something but I’m also against that as it will cause more issues! I think it’s about time your husband stuck up for you personally. I understand it from both sides but maybe tell him exactly how you’ve told us on here, he might see it clearer! You need to rant so I’m happy you’ve found here!

Thank you💕 if you ever need to rant you can always message me🤍

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