Mother in law wants to take baby

When my son was 12 hours old my mother in law said she wanted to take the baby to see my baby dads grandparents to which I said no - he is too young and I wouldn’t be comfortable with my newborn taken away from me and I don’t even know his grandparents myself I’ve never met them. She then asked again on Saturday when he was 5 days old to which I said no again and because I’ve said no she then refused to take us to the hospital for his heel prick. Today my baby dad is kicking off at me saying I’m stopping his family from seeing the baby which I’ve never done. I allowed his mum in the labour room after I gave birth, I allowed her and his brother to come to the hospital the next day, when I was back home I was in pain with my stitches but still allowed her to come in, I said his dad was welcome to come round on sunday and I said any of his other family members were welcome to come round too. But he’s kicking off at me because I won’t let them take him up to see his grandparents, he’s saying his grandma has just had an operation so the last thing she wants is to come all the way here and that he doesn’t understand why people have to come to me and visit. As shown in the messages this was after I said I won’t let them pressure me, he’s now saying he’s going to get a dna test all because I won’t allow them to take him. I’m assuming this mean he wants to try take me to court for access or something? I can’t be the only one that thinks it’s shocking the fact I’m being spoken to like shit when I’m 8 days pp and it’s shocking that they expect to take a newborn away from his mother??
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Obviously your bd is an outright ass. I want to comment on MIL— she is dangerous. You had a reasonable boundary and her response was to punish you and prevent your child from accessing important medical care. She don’t gaf about that baby. Act accordingly moving forward.

Runnnn as fast as you can. This sounds like a bad situation waiting to happen. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

Omg! Similar situation happened to me after I had my daughter it's really sad that this happens alot with men and there families who just don't understand. My inbox is always open if you'd like to talk x

If they wanna see your son so badly, why can’t they ask to visit? They expect you to handover your baby just like that?? And wtf does she mean it’s meant to be her son??

I don’t even understand that message. But please make sure you stand your ground! “No nb needs to be away from their mother at all. You people are crazy if you think otherwise. A judge will laugh at you. Not to mention, it is cold and flu season. You’re more than welcome to come visit at this time on this day. Please stop messaging me about this or I will be forced to limit communication and contact even further.”

Why don't you take baby to see his great-grandparents yourself?

Is his grandmother at risk of dying? If not they’re being inconsiderate maybe say when the baby is bigger and you heal you will be able to take baby over there. I find that so rude when ppl keep insisting on taking a new born to them.

@Sophie you may mean well but I think she doesn’t do that because she is 8 days post partum. Her only focus is on her recovery and bonding. Newborns don’t need to meet anyone. Babies don’t expire. This outing can occur in a few months, after cold and flu season.

@Elleece Fr it makes u look at them differently. No consideration.

Saying she won’t want to make the trip because she just had an operation as if you didn’t just give birth is insane. Thinking the baby would be going without you at less than a month old is also insane. It’s all insane

Tf is a DNA test going to do?? YOURE the baby’s mother and that baby should be WITH YOU. That baby reds your skin to skin contact to even stay healthy! Tell them if they keep on threatening you and tryna force you to leave your house a week post partum they will NEVER see that child.

Don’t let him or his mum or anyone from that family near the child, they don’t sound like they mean well

@Alina yess defoo

Tell every single one of them to fuck off, ignore them all for now and just focus on you and your baby. It’s bonding time for you both. What is wrong with people! My midwife told me to shut the doors to everyone apart from absolute immediate family to give you time to adjust and bond. That side of the family have got plenty time in the future to see your baby. Don’t let them put pressure on you xx

I think you need to ask for Jesus to cover you with the blood of Christ and support you during this no joke. This is not okay, A few days postpartum and I was dying PLUSSSSS I didn’t let anyone who wasn’t immediate family such as parents see my baby untill he had all his jabs - we stayed home for over a month NO VISITS or going out aside from doctors visits. also my baby ain’t going no where without me untill he can talk and especially noy around any strangers or people I haven’t met - FAMILY OR NOT. Do you guys live together, is he on the birth certificate? My advise is don’t get rude at all, they will use it against you, don’t step out of character, stay in your soft feminine, don’t raise voice, swear etc. this will help you stay in power - and put boundaries (i will not engage any further if etc etc) when I’m angry and I use chat gpt and say make this sound non defensive, respectful and firm, because sometimes I find it so hard to express myself it I’m mad.

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Don’t over defend yourself, respectfully respond and not try to continue to explain again and again and justify yourself, they are not trying to understand so just leave it. You need to heal and be with your baby no one else matters in this moment and keep all receipts in case this gets legal - if they say some wild stuff catch it xx

No way should a newborn ever be separated from its mother. There’s literally no way. Like wtf that baby doesn’t even know he’s a separate being from you. It’s insane anyone would suggest taking him anywhere. The grandparents can meet him when you’re well enough to bring him. And if they’re not ok with that it’s a very problematic situation

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