@hannah thanks so much☺️ I was thinking as well, the amount of times we go to the toilet at night (I don’t turn the light on to try and stay sleepy), so wouldn’t see if it could have been lost before labour? So was just interested in others stories☺️
Absolutely!! I didn’t even feel mine come out it’s just I’ve always been paranoid when I wipe from having bleeding first snd second trimester so I always out of habit look!! I lost mine on sat and baby is still very comfy!! 😭Xx
My midwife said that some people don't lose it until they are like 7cm dilated! X
Had two babies, this is my third....never ever noticed it tbf
@Candice wow! Thanks so much for sharing❤️
@Candice same 😅
Ive been having like snot like discharge here nd there when i wipe but never had anything like others have shown on here unless it happened when i was in labour and i didnt know
Never noticed it with my first but it obviously had come out, this time I'm 37 weeks and over the last 2 days have lost my plug been really obvious what it was x
Didn't notice it with our first and now 38+5 and can't say I've noticed yet either
I was already having really strong contractions when I lost my mucus plug then progressed fairly quickly after
My midwife said that some women don’t even notice it as they’re in hospital having contractions and only then it dislodges - but obviously everyone’s has to come out before baby is delivered xx