Long nursery days

I’m looking to return to work after mat leave with my 2nd but the whole funding/working enough hours is a bit of a mind screw! At the moment my eldest is in preschool 2 mornings a week and would have to look to put him in nursery around 9-5.30 which seems SO long in comparison! If anyone’s else’s LOs do long days at nursery, how do they find it? I think I’d feel guilty putting him in for so long 🥺
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My little boy does 3days 8.30 - 5 he absolutely loves it, x

Mine daughter does 7.30 - 5 some days, she loves it, and she's learnt so much

My daughter is in 4 full days from around 8.30-5pm ish and she loves it. She's been going since 11 months old and she's made some lovely little friends and her social skills and speech is amazing. She's now in the pre school section of the nursery, which she moved into early because she was ready. Personally I feel the nursery has helped. When she turned 3, we were able to get the 30 hours finding (term time only) plus there's the tax free option because me and my husband work. My daughter has bags of energy and I honestly would have struggled to keep her entertained all day, everyday. I was worried about the long days but it rarely affected her. She still has energy, running round when we get home 🫣 x

Our little boy does 6:45am-6pm and has done since he was 10 months old. My husband and I both work long hours and it was the only way we could make it work. He loves going and I have a balance as I work three days a week so we still have quality time together which eases the guilt x

My LB does 7am-5.45pm!

My little boy does 8.30am-5.30pm Tuesday - Thursday (has done since he was 9 months old, as did my now 8 year old) and absolutely loves it I struggle getting him out the door at pick up sometimes as he just wants to carry on playing haha he loves his friends there and the ladies who work there too 😊 Some days he can be super tired when I pick him up so its not long after we get home that he goes to bed x

My LB goes 5 days a week and absolutely LOVES it! Twice 7:30am-6:30pm and then three days: 8:30-6pm. He has learned so much and loves seeing and playing with his friends. I felt guilt in the beginning of the long hours but we have to work and he really loves it there, so got used to it all relatively quickly.

Thank you everyone so much for your responses, I can’t tell you how reassured I feel! I love to hear that they sound like they love their days ☺️ I feel so apprehensive of change, but I know it’s a me problem 😅 x

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