Do you mean tracking your cycles? I do it religiously since I got my first period and I got pregnant exactly when I wanted to. In order for it to be safe you need regular periods or at least 5 years tracking. After our first kid I decided for a IUD since I didn’t want to risk. Your partner still might need to use a condom and plan B will mess your entire cycle.
I havnt just because I don’t trust my body to not get pregnant right away. I’d like to but eveything is too irregular to try. If you’re wanting to then he would need to use condoms for the first few months to understand your cycle without birth control or anything
@Stacey 🇵🇸 no he wants me to use it after he nut in me but I don't like the side effects of it & I don't wanna get on birth control so if he wants to do that he will have to use a condom,
Yeah using plan b every time is definitely not good for you
You could consider the copper coil which is non hormonal so as far as I'm aware shouldn't cause any impact on your hormones/body although I'm not an expert so don't take my word! I personally wouldn't rely on cycle tracking as a way of avoiding pregnancy as in order to be accurate you would really have to track your temperature and ovulation properly, and even then you can't be certain so it isn't 100% reliable
Don't use plan b as a form of birth control after a few uses it can start having a significant affect on ur reproductive organs and decrease the chances of getting pregnant again if u ever want another child. If u mean tracking cycles it can be a good effective birth control if u r rigorous and thorough with it how ever 1 mistake or human error is all it takes to get pregnant. I did this for 2 years and made an error 1 time and that's how my son exists x
He doesn’t nut in me. Ever. If he wants to he can put on a condom. Otherwise no nutting. I don’t use any BC I track and use NFP but that means no nutting inside ever he can do it literally anywhere else but inside. If your man likes to nut inside then I would get on a double BC because condoms break, and some mums get pregnant even on hormonal BC. So get on something like IUD/patch and use condoms at all times. NFP works for us because my hubby is willing to ejaculate elsewhere, and when we did TTC 5 years ago my body took it immediately because it was a foreign substance.
i track my cycles and we always pull out, never use condoms. it’s worked for 2 years since my daughters birth. that’s super unfair for him to finish in you and except you to take plan b.. .
Do you mean he wants you to use plan B as a regular form of birth control?