@Sherilyn Not yet, I need to book it but keep forgetting as I haven’t had a letter since just after my girl was born. I’ll maybe book it and then speak to them about the coil. I have heard the insertion can be easier for people that have had a baby naturally x
For some people it doesn't hurt too much and for some it's absolutely horrible. Unfortunately you won't know until you try. I had two mirena (hormonal) coils and loved them but I can't have another one because the insertion is way too painful for me. Worse than childbirth, honestly. :'(
I've had the coil since I was 19, had it removed a year ago, then got pregnant, gave birth via elective C-section in December. Will get the coil again when I'm allowed
The good news is, the coil is much much narrower than a baby, so passing that through the cervix is not really comparable ☺️ I've had 3 placed without, and while it's uncomfortable, it was more like a heavy period cramp pain for me
I had the coil fitted during my C-section, so i managed to skip the insertion... Bit worried about having it taken out, but that's a problem for 2033 me 😅
I’ve had the coil pre-baby and post-baby after having a C-section. Truthfully it hurt more having it fitted the 2nd time as she had to make sure my uterus had shrunken down to pre baby size and if it hadn’t shrunken down she wouldn’t have been able to continue with the fitting - that was in December and I had my son in August. That was the sharpest bit and over pretty fast, take some painkillers about 45 mins before. I had no pain afterwards personally 🙂
@Kirsty they didn't give me the option 😭
@Kirsty don’t worry you don’t even feel it being taken out!
Going in is awful. Taking out is so easy.
Yes, taking out is fine!
I just got coil inserted when having my section.
I had 2 before my boy and it was excruciating I’m afraid! Far worse than a smear - they don’t bother me at all! I’ve gone back on the pill since my c section as no way of knowing if it will hurt any less and couldn’t face that pain again! It was worse than c section recovery for me so I’ll wait until they decide it’s worthy of proper anaesthetic before I get another. Sorry I know that’s probably not what you want to hear 😭
I had a local anaesthetic offered for my previous coil fittings, it feels like a very sharp pinch similar to a smear test. But it was ok I took paracetamol before the appointment and that also helped with pain after just took it every 4 hours up to the 4 dosages in 24 hours! Taking out was much more comfortable it felt like a tampon coming out at the end of a period where it’s a bit drier and a tiny little pinch sensation x
Thanks everyone. I’ll talk to doctor/nurse about it and see what my options are x
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I will be totally honest, my coil insertion HURT but I also didnt have anything to compare it too as this was years before kids though. Now I can tell you I have had 2 C sections but before my first I experienced a long full labour and pushing (just not delivery) so I have kind of a good idea now. Whilst it is no way near as intense as labour contractions it is still very similar, your body does contract once its in because its not happy and wants it out lol but these spasms only last for like 5-10 mins max. It did bring on (for me) like a really painful and heavy period type bleed though which is normal. BUT once in and all settled it worked great for me for 5 years without issues before I wanted to have kids. So I would still highly recommend them. Also I had the hormonal but my Sister has the non-hormonal one and just bare in mind you will get very heavy bleeding during your periods, but this is very normal with the non-hormonal one. Hope this helps :-)
@Sherilyn they do use a speculum yes but it is much more painful than a smear im afraid :-/ but so worth it.
@Caz everyone has different experiences, I’ll try to remember to report back once I’ve had it done! I believe they offer to numb it too.
@Sherilyn yes ofc, I was just talking based off my own experience :-). They cannot numb it but they do offer Diazapan to help relax you if you want it. Jut be sure to take a couple paracetamol about 30 mins beforehand.
@Caz I’ve been offered local anaesthetic gel and gas and air - which I never got round to with having a last min elective c section so I’m quite looking forward to trying it out 😂
I’d definitely have it again with local anaesthetic and gas and air! So worth it just too painful with just paracetamol and ibuprofen 😭
I have been recommended to have it done due to some issues since having my 2 babies via c section. The gynaecologist suggested local anaesthetic. X
@Sherilyn the insertion part doesnt hurt it is when they release it inside that causes the contraction sort of pains, and that cannot be numbed. Gas and air however i highly recommend 😅, i managed 12 hours of labour just on that, its good stuff. It doesnt stop the pain, you are just too high to care😆☺️
Have you had your smear test? I understand it feels fairly similar as they use a speculum. I’m having a coil fitted soon and also have only had a c section. Never heard that giving birth vaginally makes a difference to the coil.