As long as not on double yellows tickets aren't enforceable/not council run. It can be a nightmare mon-fri 9-5 but outwith it's absolutely fine. There is a gravel carpark across from kids multi storey and maternity whivh is either £5/6 which is manned and can always get parked but closes somwtimes around 9pm. To minimise stress could park there if daytime and if necessary move once quieter
We always managed to get a space in the one across the road, in front of the kids a&e. Including when I was going in once my water had broken, it was about 1130 pm mind you. But labour hadn't started yet, if it had felt more urgent might have got him to drop me off while he went to find a spot.
Don’t worry there is always spaces x I spend 2 weeks in special care with my baby and my partner always found a space . And if we were struggling he would just drop me off and then he would go find space
We took a taxi 🚕
I gave birth twice there and luckily for me both times I arrived very early hours of the morning so no issues with spaces. However if it had been daytime our plan was to drop me and he'd go find a space
The carpark spaces do have a huge impact! But at certain times the car park does get empty. My husband always dropped me off and then went to the carpark directly behind maternity on that same road that you turn in on. There was always spaces there and quite convenient tbh