Hey, When my waters broke they came out quite quickly and started off as a watery consistency but was tanned slightly red/pinkish. If you do have any concerns try popping a pad on and keep an eye on any excessive discharge/extreme wetness or bleeding. Although I did have my waters broken for me but it was still leaking slightly after xx
If it is your waters you will continue to leak, even if it’s slowly. You could put a pad on and check or call triage as they can check this for you as well.
@Alysha i’m having lots of clear wet discharge but it’s definitely not like water, im honestly just so confused 🤣
@Jade I would probably phone triage just to double check. Explain to them what it looks like etc and they should help x
Put a pad on and lie on your left side for half an hour then stand up of u leak more its your waters thats what they told me to do x
I’m sure if your waters break then they will carry on tricking (not 100% sure on this as I had them broken for me for my first) maybe come out the bath get dry put a pad on and see if anything happens again? Might be worth a call to hospital just to ease your mind xx