General advice

Hi all, if someone could offer some advice or general reassurance I’d greatly appreciate it, first time mum here too. I’m 37+4 week and just had my gestational diabetes test come back as positive, safe to say I’m a bit disappointed and feel like I’ve done something wrong even though I’ve had a pretty easy going uncomplicated pregnancy up until this point. I really wanted to have a water birth but fearing they won’t let me because of this as baby is measuring supposedly ‘big’ and the fact they may try and induce me as well which I don’t particularly want either. I feel absolutely fine apart from general pregnancy tired and aches and pains which most people get. Have an appointment tomorrow for more bloods and to talk through a plan with a dietician I believe too. Many thanks for responses in advance.
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If you can get your sugars under control then you may still be able to have water birth. Does your hospital have a midwifery led unit attached to it? If so they may let you go there. One of the reasons they prefer you to have the baby in a hospital when you have GD is that baby can struggle to regulate their own blood sugars when they are born and will need to be tested regularly. This happened to my first and he ended up on NICU until they could get them under control (mine was undiagnosed GD) with my first. In my second i had it again but was controlled well with medication and they did let me have baby in a midwife led unit attached to the hospital (I had no other issues). I also got in the bath but didn’t end up having him in there. He was fine when he was born but still was tested for 24hrs post birth. It’s definitely a conversation you should have with your midwifery team

I tested positive for GD in my first pregnancy around 36 weeks and stayed diet controlled. I had was in the water up until 10cm and then for completely unrelated reasons ended up in theatre so it’s definitely not off the cards for you. I just had continual monitoring with the things (I can’t for the life of me remember what they’re called) stuck on my tummy in the water and bloods checked throughout labour. I was encouraged to have induction due to reduced movements and GD and declined and went into spontaneous labour. I don’t advise anyone decline but rather to make your own informed decisions you feel comfortable with. All the best, you’ve got this you’re so close to the end now and meeting your babe x

You can always message me if you want as I have gestational diabetes and am 38 weeks pregnant! But my doctor gave me metformin to take at bedtime and I check my sugar levels 4 times a day and log them so my doctor can see my numbers. I’m more active and watch what I eat while still allowing myself to have treats every once in a while and my numbers have been fine. My doctor isn’t concerned about the size of the baby even though she is running a bit bigger because she thinks I’ll give birth between 39 and 40 weeks since it’s my second baby. I did get an extra ultrasound to double check the size.

I found a walk after meals kept the readings lower as well x

You can still have your water birth! Some of the labour wards have pools, and my midwife is supporting my choice to go to the MLU and I have GD. If you keep your sugars in check and everything looks ok at the growth scans then you have nothing to worry about! Try a walk or some gentle housework after eating that helps to keep the levels down. Then avoid white bread and pasta/lots of potatoes. Try to eat more protein and veggies, yoghurt and cheese are also good. I know it’s disheartening but don’t feel bad, you really haven’t done anything wrong although I know at times it feels like we have 😔

Also you can birth outside of guidelines. Ask them loads of questions, they will support your choice, you don’t have to blindly go along with what they say.

Agree with all of above. Mine is diet controlled and my levels are fine. Also at my scans they seen baby size is fine so there shouldn't be any reason for me that I can't get in the water or be in the birth centre which is part of my hospital. I think if you keep it under control you should be fine xx

I just wanted to come here and say you haven’t done anything wrong at all! The placenta is the cause of GD and the placenta is largely down to male genetics. Nothing you ate or did would have changed this. Be gentle with yourself

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