I’m due 4/29 but Dr thinks we will have going at 38 weeks via c section. My first was a c section after 40+ weeks my body just a wasn’t ready to let him go. He was 9lbs 10oz😬. It’s a different experience, the recovery wasn’t too bad for me I just relax as much as possible. I’m nervous how my 2 year old will take this as he loves climbing all over mama and being in her business😍
Delivered her on Wednesday. She's a tiny little thing at 3 lbs and 15 inches. The c section scar has been a pain to deal with, and my mind has been everywhere and nowhere. They claim gestational age is 37 and a few days when I thought I was 35 weeks....but she also has Wolf-hirschhorn syndrome. Right now, I am resting in bed while Daddy gets one on one time with her. I will likely be discharged tomorrow myself while she continues her needs in Nicu.
I delivered by April baby in February via c section! You’ll do just fine! Healing from it is kind of rough but that’s ok! The NICU is an adjustment.