I had my first two at 35 & 37. I only induced with my second because he was 11 days overdue! They generally don't like to wait more than a week, but she gave me the extra weekend since it was my second with no complications. I really didn't think he'd hang in that long! Everything was much faster, my first was a long wait between water breaking to contractions and eventually pitocin after 24 hours of no progress.
As someone who probably had the best induction ever for my first. I still am going to personally try really hard not to get induced this time around. For me there are just so many things that can go wrong from an induction that kind of make me paranoid even though again I had an amazing birth the first time. The other thing I would consider is if you are wanting to do it without an epidural my SIL said pitocin contraction hurt way more than natural contractions. But my mom was 36 when she had me and my MIL also had her last at 37. So I don’t think age is anything I would worry about for giving birth as long as you are in good health and haven’t had any complications.
@Kara The way I was explained to me is that the contractions are going to get that bad anyway, the pitocin just brings them on a lot faster so it feels more intense because you don't have that more gradual increase to acclimate to. That helped me wrap my head around it a little more.
@Audrey yeah that makes sense was just saying what my SIL said. She had a completely natural birth with her first baby then with her second she had a super super low dose of pitocin after being in labor for awhile. So they didn’t start coming on really fast or anything. But she said those ones were way way more painful than the regular ones. That’s the only reason she had to get an epidural for her second was because of the pitocin. Everyone’s body is different though so who knows.
I would not induce if not medically necessary!
I personally would not induce early if you don’t have to, hopefully they shared with you the rate of inductions that turn to c sections vs inductions which turn into successful vaginal deliveries. Much higher rate of c section with induction unfortunately
I'm in a similar boat and my Dr scheduled an induction a day before my due date. I haven't cancelled yet but leaning that way. I'm 35 and due with my second (first was born Dec 2023). No issues other than low platelets which at this point won't effect vaginal delivery. I will have weekly nst tests so that's an option if you'd like to wait it out but still have some reassurance
I had an induction with my son and it wasn’t bad but i definitely didn’t like it. My daughter I went into labor naturally and personally that was the best. I loved everything about it. I got to labor at home and got to labor in the tub for awhile till we went to the hospital. I felt way more relaxed. To be fair I had preeclampsia with my first and that’s why I got induced so it was scary. Definitely pros and cons to being induced. I always say if you get induced at least you can kinda plan around your labor but the pitocin contractions do feel more intense. I know everyone is different and I think you can get induced without pitocin. I would definitely research and do a pros and cons list.
Thanks all this is helpful I have been doing research of pros and cons but it’s helpful to hear others’ actual experiences. For the record, I am not against the epidural, am leaning toward likely getting it.
This is my second baby in 15months. I got induced at 39 weeks with first and will be doing the same this time because I just don’t want to be pregnant any longer than I have to be. With that said I got a mechanical induction instead of a chemical one. I didn’t get pitocin, I got a folley bulb out in , if you’re curious about that message me and I’ll tell you all about it. It’s was great!
If you’re willing to wait I would definitely try to avoid an induction. You can ask for them to keep monitoring baby weekly just to make sure everything is ok. You can read more about inductions if you google the evidence based birth website, they have a lot of helpful information!!