Sometimes people feel guilty for putting themselves first, don’t feel guilty for taking a break mamas
Could you go part time in your current role? If not I'd find something less stressful, you have enough on your plate with four kids!
Happy wife happy life they say. On a real note you can’t function to being your best self if you’re burnt out!! Have compassion for yourself and realise it’s okay to choose you for once xx
Thank you ladies!!! I needed this support. It is just too much and I feel I can’t let down my family and can’t let down the employers but really I’m letting my family down by being stressed all the time and so preoccupied with work and let’s be honest I can be replaced any second. I feel bad because the ceo is a lovely lady and she has been very accommodating but the role is fast paced and full time and I can’t keep asking for exceptions to be made for me.
It’s not selfish at all to quit, you need to look after yourself first and foremost. It’s no use being burned out. However, I personally don’t agree with then claiming universal credit, as you could actually work. I would either quit and just live off husbands income (which it sounds like it’s doable), or find another job that you think is better suited, perhaps a part time one.
You have your whole life ahead of you but also life is unpredictable it’s too short to be stuck in a role you feel doesn’t fulfil you nor your family xx
I feel like you are doing two jobs: Mum and your target based job. I’d recommend husband helps more because you are only one person. Or get a part time job like you, but also husband helps out more. Can’t he do drop offs? Or make dinners & get them to sleep?
Quit if you can afford to. You won’t get this time back and your kids deserve to get the best version of you. Burn out is real
Quit or reduce your hours if it will be affordable. I don’t know how much your husband earns but universal credit is always a joint/household claim so it’s likely he will earn too much for you to be entitled to anything. And I also don’t think you’re entitled if you quit as you have voluntarily made yourself unemployed
@Amy unsure if she’ll be able to claim UC anyway. You usually have to have been sacked/made redundant not just leave a job to be able to claim. I had to claim during Covid being self employed and it was a right faff, I could be wrong but don’t think I am fully.
Would part time not be an option?
If you guys can survive on your husband’s income alone then do it! You’ll never get this time back with your kids.
Or at least go down to just those hours whilst kids are at school so you can be fully with them when they are home :) not sure if you will get UC if your hubby is working but I have no idea how that works
This is an insane schedule - no wonder you’re feeling burnt out! You work AND have a 9month old baby at home 9-3pm, and then have all kids at home 3-6pm?! Seriously I don’t know you’ve managed to survive that.
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@Elizabeth honestly I don’t know either I am completely and utterly DONE! I’m so so drained
I don't think you're selfish at all, got to do what's right for you and your family, my only concern is I'm not certain you would be entitled to universal credits if you make yourself unemployed? Idk? X
Oh my god this is INSANE. It can cause you serious health issues. I wouldn’t even recommend part time job at this point as you have a 9 month old baby to look after, all by yourself. Honestly at this point best way forward is to quit your job and analyse what works for you. But you can’t carry on like this, this much stress and overload can cause issues. Like God forbid what if you are so stressed while driving that something bad happens etc.
Yes I’ve decided I need a break! It’s just too much! My two youngest are 9 months and 2 it’s just too much! I will quit at the end of this month and take a break from work until my baby is older and see what is in store for me then. This is not living! I’m harming myself
My role is fully remote and 9-6pm so daily routine is get the kids ready for school husband drops them off at school I log on by 9am and juggle my baby and work until 3pm I pick the kids up from school get back home then juggle all the kids/dinner while finishing off work until 6pm. Then I’m wound up stressed and rush the kids off to bed by 8pm just so I can breathe… I feel I will crash and burn if I continue this