Almost 20 weeks pregnant
tell you doctor to prescribe you Lactulose and stop taking fiber as in some cases it can actually make it worse. Lactulose is safe during pregnancy as it isn't absorbed in the body, it just flushes your pipes😅
Midwife put me on magnesium citrate! Get it your local drugstore, you can even ask your pharmacist how much to take, if you can’t get ahold of your care provider. Helped me in two days. Increase fibre, water and you can even try any foods starting with a P. Prunes, pears, peaches, pumpkin, etc.
I eat a lot of blackberries and kiwis. Seems to have helped compared to the colace.
Warm prune juice and butter, let us know how it goes 👍
Take a stool softener!
Spicy food worked for me, if you can tolerate it. Chinese food and Mexican food also helped me. Good luck, it's no fun, but it has to come out eventually
Magnesium citrate + papaya enzymes after meals has been helping me. Stool softener might help if you have excess fiber at this point.
Certain supplement brands (prenatal vitamins) that are not third party tested have nonorganic ingredients that could be adding to the clogging in your digestion. I had this issue, especially with iron supplements. Check the labels for USDA organic and third party testing if you take any😊 it has helped me a lot!
hmm, I'd say if you’re still in pain, maybe check in with your doc again, but I’ve heard some people do a couple enemas in a row, just be careful! I actually checked the 'Heal Baby Care App' for this and here’s what it says: "I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this discomfort; it sounds quite frustrating. It's generally safe to use an enema occasionally, but frequent use can lead to dependency or irritation. Since you've already tried various remedies, consider gentle abdominal massage or warm compresses to help ease the pain. If the pain persists or worsens, it may be wise to seek further medical evaluation.
Eating fiber should only really start once you’re cleared out. If you’re backed up and start eating fiber it might work against you and back you up even more. Drink lots of water like double the amount you usually drink but if you’re like me and can’t keep much water down I’d suggest coconut water or pedialyte. THEN you can try the “I love you massage” for constipation. It’s supposed to stimulate like intestinal contractions so your stool moves. Personally I find that one a bit painful esp if you’re already in pain. Another thing you can try that has worked for me the best (lol) is like an adult version of “bicycle kicks” which is usually for babies when they’re constipated. Like 10-15min. Lastly if those fail, (talk to ur dr first) but Smooth Move (Senna tea) really gets the job done. It’s a natural laxative. Do NOT plan to go ANYWHERE the day after you drink it. I drank it at nighttime and thinking it didn’t work I went to bed. And let’s just say the next day was a shit show 🤣
Are you postpartum? Currently pregnant?