Missed miscarriage

I feel really ashamed to even put this on here but it’s 3 am here and I can’t compose myself I cannot stop crying and I feel so very alone. I went for another scan today I’ve had them every two weeks and they told me I’ve had a missed miscarriage. Here is me thinking everything is fine because I’m sick everyday, tired every pregnancy symptom you could think of and it’s all wrong. I’m not going to have my baby and I can’t grasp it. I have so much hatred towards the world and I feel so guilty feeling this upset knowing I already have a beautiful son
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Grief comes in waves. If you’re open and comfortable finding a specialist who can work through it with you may help. Big hug. Its not easy mama but you got this and this too shall pass.

Don’t feel alone. I just found out yesterday that I miscarried. I’m actively going through it as well and I feel the same way. I also have a lovely little boy but this is a huge pain. 😔 Message me if you’d like to talk. 🤞🏼

Hi, just to say you’re not alone. I have a 19 month old son and I miscarried a week ago at 8.5 weeks. At first I was like it’s ok, I have my son and he’s all I need, but every day I seem to feel more and more sad about losing my baby and replaying the pregnancy and miscarriage over and over again in my head and knowing that all these plans I had for this year are gone. It’s really helped me the last couple of days to try to make a new plan and get some nice things in the diary to focus on moving forward and stop looking back. I felt so lost and abandoned by the world but trying to look forward with positivity and without fear although it is so hard. Sending love and hugs to you in this horrible time xx

You’re not alone girl. I have a 11 month old (she’s also a rainbow baby) I had a missed miscarriage in October at 9 weeks then one in January at 10ish weeks then just had a chemical this month so 3 in less than 6 months. It fricking hurts and I’m so sorry:( if you need to talk message someone, I’m here if you need me xx

You're not alone girl. I also juat went thru a missed miscarriage. I have a 22 month old daughter. I found out I was pregnant back in September. But unfortunately at my 12 week ultrasound, I found out the baby stopped developing at 10 weeks. I went through a three month ordeal. The first week was the hardest...I was just getting excited about having another and they'd be so close in age etc. The grief def comes in waves, just make sure to take care of yourself. It is a lonely experience, but don't be afraid to talk about it and ask questions. If you need someone to talk to, or have questions, don't be afraid to reach out. Big hugs 💙

You should not feel ashamed it's perfectly normal how you are feeling. I had a normal first pregnancy then when I found out I had a miscarriage with my second pregnancy it hit me really hard, I just kept bursting into tears all the time and couldn't even speak to anyone except for my husband to start with. I also had to have time off work as I couldn't face telling anyone I had miscarried. It will get better over time it doesn't feel like it at the time because you feel like you are alone but you are not there are many of us out there that have gone through it before and can offer you words of support 💖 xx

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