I work from home. I work in funding, so most of my time is research and writing but I have at least one meeting a day as I’m often speaking to people to coordinate bids, etc. I have social anxiety too (and imposter syndrome 🙃) but I don’t find this hard, as everyone wants me to get them money so they are usually very happy to talk to me 😂😂 I’m in the UK, here at least there are a lot of jobs with charities that are fully remote, so that might be an industry to look into? I recommend thinking about your ideal job requirements, then listing your transferable skills (eg: communications, project management, etc is useful in any industry) and use that to side step into something more aligned with what actually you want to do. Good luck ♥️
@Rhiannon hey, I'm in the UK too and have been looking in to work from home jobs and struggling to find anything. Can I ask if you have any advice or tips for finding fully remote jobs with charities? Sounds like a double win with being able to work from home and help a well deserving charity
Staff agency but I’m in USA
@Gemma I used charityjob.co.uk mainly and you can filter by workplace to hybrid or remote I’ve worked in both comms/marketing and funding, those areas have quite a few roles which are remote or occasional meetings/events, eg: my current role we meet in person 1-2 times a year, plus occasional conferences or whatever as relevant. I think a key thing for working with a charity is their cause needs to matter to you. It’s not essential for you to be super passionate or knowledgeable but if you do have a personal connection, mention it in your cover letter. Not charity specific but I felt I needed help with my cv and interview skills when I was coming back from mat leave, I found the resources by this local recruiter helpful: ten2two.org I didn’t find a job with them and they only cover a small area in England but I watched their webinars and found them helpful x
@Isobel thank you!! This is genuinely very helpful. At this point I don’t mind a boring job I just want to be able to work long term without getting crippling anxiety everyday.. maybe it’s too much to ask but do you know of any websites/companies I could look into to find those kinds of jobs?
@Rhiannon thank you so much!! That’s a great idea, dealing with imposter syndrome is just terrible 😅 I wish I could just talk to someone and list my skills and things I don’t want and they’d just go “this XYZ job is made for you” haha would be so nice! I’m not UK based but I’ll still look into the charity based jobs!
@Roby Peace is is something you have to be based in the USA to work with?
Both my husband and I wfh and only have a 10 min meeting each morning to update our teams what we’re working on. We both work in tech. Without any experience, you can probably get into testing or a business analysis role. Companies often take on people to train in these roles but after a few years, you can make a lot of money from them. There are also things like data entry where you will fill in spreadsheets that they then use to train AI machines. This is less interesting and quite repetitive but it is something you can do from home with little interaction