TTC Baby #3 Yes or No
Hey mamas! So I’ll be 33 next month and my s/o is 48! I have an 13 and 3 year old son. I was on depo for 10 years and I stopped so we could have my youngest one. It only took me two periods after stopping depo to get pregnant. Well now I’m 3/4 weeks late on my depo shot. My s/o wants to have another one and then we’ll be done. I’m really leaning towards it bc I don’t have a big family and I want to make sure my kids do. The only thing is our moms 🙄🤣 they don’t want us to have anymore but my s/o says we’re grown and nobody pays our bills. Which is 100% true. I just don’t want to hide it whenever I do become pregnant. My s/o is so excited and dsnt want me to reschedule my appointment lol. So my question is : Are 3 kids a lot harder or will it be a nice transition?
I've always heard it's a pretty good transition. I don't have 3, not even 2 yet as I'm 25weeks currently. But also your moms should have zero say in how many kids you two have🤦♀️ if you can afford it, and want it, I'd say go for it lol