Vertigo/motion sickness?

Hi guys, I'm desperate for some advice because this has been consuming me for 2 years or more! When I had my son I noticed I randomly feel light headed. I could be sitting or standing. Sometimes I get up and I fill I might pass out. If I look down whilst walking or move my head sometimes I feel sick. Or if I look up. If I'm in a car and look out to my side the objects next me feel sick. If I go on a swing with me son I feel awful. My eyes always feel weird, I can't explain it. I do need glasses and I have started wearing them. I have astigmatism. But since wearing them for a few days it hasn't changed anything yet due to me getting used to them. I've been to the doctors multiple times and they said it could be vertigo (but nothing spins) then they said recently they think I have pots. They have put me on some antidepressants. I feel so anxious and when I feel like this I get so panicky. I don't know if it's all anxiety related? I did try vertigo tablets but didn't seem to work but maybe I need to give them another go. CT normal and bloods normal. Has anyone experienced these symptoms before? Thank you ❤️
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Sounds like vertigo my Nan had this and she didn’t have the spin part either

@Lauren thank you hun. Did anything help her xxx

They gave her tablets to help with her vertigo as she suffered really bad with it xx

@Lauren thanks Hun, I'll speak to them and try a different medicine and see if it helps xxx

@Zoe don’t have to thank me babe! I hope it helped xxx

I have suffered from vertigo. Tight muscles around the neck/ shoulders from anxiety can trigger it, so can neck vertebrae subluxations. Calming my nervous system through self care, slowing down, journaling, etc. resolved it. Not an instant fix but a lasting one. Also there are crystals inside the ear that can become dislodged and cause vertigo. There is a simple technique (can google) to put them back in place or a chiropractor should be able to help with that. The more you can stay calm and be annoyed by it rather than fearful of it, the better. The fear can feed it.

Sooo I’m audhd (autistic with adhd) and a lot of us audhd women and afab people I have noticed have POTS or some other tachycardia issues… (not to mention MCAS and EDS- comorbidities are common with autistic folk) the eye thing sounds like the blood pressure making your eyes do that… and the fainting feeling and the vertigo is common with POTS. But I want to add a lot of audhd folk have astigmatism but what gets missed a lot is a lot of us also have BVD… which can also make you feel motion sickness among other things… so yeah I mean… so it could be a mixture of things

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