We just gave them at room temp 😊 I was post emergency C-section though so I wasn’t up and moving anywhere fast to warm it up! Also the sterilised teat ones are so much easier in the hospital as they are smaller so you will have less waste, our hospital wouldn’t let us store ready to feeds which had been opened in the fridge there
Echoing what others have said, get the ones with the teats and we just gave at room temp x
I’ve started stocking up on the ones with the teats ready for my hospital bag and the first few days when home when super sore and unable to do much. My current kids are a lot older and hospital provided the milk and teats back then and it was always just room temperature so I’ll be doing the same with this one just with my own milk and teats xx
Last time I brought two packs of ones with teats, there fine at room temp and so much easier. You have to discard them after An hour and they won’t drink much of it but that’s completely normal!
Get the ones with the teats, as the others you’d have to put in an actual sterilised bottle, and not all hospitals have facilities to sterilise. You can warm them, but can also give them room temp it’s fine.