Also maybe muzzle the dog until it accepts the baby? Just as a precaution
Any time she shows any aggression she should be removed and ignored. Soon she will learn that aggression towards baby = bad. Reward anytime she is calm around baby
Give your dog positive rewards when around the baby and not being aggressive (such as treats) But yes get a dog trainer asap. Could you get your dogs some toys to keep her occupied too?
Definitely consult a dog trainer!
Keep them separated at all times while getting professional support, and muzzle the dog for instances when you have to have them in the same room together - if your dog is not muzzle trained then you need to do it asap. Or just keep them separated until you have a plan forward. I hope you can resolve it and your dog accepts the baby
Use a long indoor lead as well as a precaution in case you need to pull the dog away at any time.
How old is your little one? It took about a good 6-8 weeks for my boy to basically “ignore” the baby. When I first brought her home I was petrified because he was my baby before and he has such high prey drive. He would literally look at her like a rabbit and want to get to her so much. However I’d never let them around eachother to begin with, only when she was in her travel cot downstairs high enough for him to see but not to get, and reward him every time he took his own attention away from the baby. In terms of contact, they had zero contact the whole time until he was able to just ignore the fact she was in the room. Once this happened I slowly allowed contact eg. Sitting with her with him free roaming etc. now she sleeps on me, with my boy right next to us! I hope this helps, and gives you faith! Because in those first weeks I honestly didn’t think it would get better xxx
Get rid of her. Will only get worse from here
😂 the above is definitely not the case, my boy would have definitely have done the same if I introduced them too soon. Remember the dog is also inquisitive and they do have prey drive. They can absolutely end up fine if you put the correct boundaries in place x
Let her take that chance 👍🏻
I’d recommend a dog trainer intervention asap, if the dog has already tried to snap once it’s only a matter of time before they try again and possibly succeed. Hope you manage to get something sorted! I have a dog and couldn’t imagine the pain you must be feeling of them not welcoming your new little one into the family