These are absolutely only for babies with full head neck control and are sitting independently. Honestly I wouldn't put a baby smaller than close to a year in one and only for TEMPORARY up and downs if you need a free hand. (44 pounds absolutely not which makes me question all reputability of the product) Here is a hip dysplasia institute summary of hip healthy products Things like a tush baby can be used for a temporary stint if you need a free hand and offer more support than this Also check into the baby wearing reddit they have great advice and fit checks from people who have experience. Edit for people looking for advice for people with more experience Asked a lot in the baby wearing sub check out from first hand some people enjoy them but again they are not hands free so if you are looking for that look for other options
The Facebook ads have been taunting me. I take an extra second on their ads and now they’re everywhere. I normally carry baby around in a harness but this seems easier and lets more air in. I want to buy one, but would love to hear feedback as well.
@Kate do you have to have an arm around baby at all times?
I have one like Kate posted and it works pretty well for us. I wouldn't use it for long extended times, I tried carrying my son around the zoo with it and my back and hip hurt by the end. I use it now when I'm taking both my kids into school drop off and it makes like much easier.
@Kiley you do, but you would have to with the sling style as well
@Kiley yes In my comment above I linked on the baby wearing people asking about these slings all require 1 arm holding baby But there are links to slings and other handsfree ones people like ☺️
I’m thinking about getting the senarah brand sling, my baby is 14 months though so he’s getting a bit big for the regular carriers and wants to be picked up and then put down a lot so I like the idea of the sling because it seems easier for quick pick up and put downs
@Stephanie slings still need one hand on baby at all times so aren't as useful But the tushbaby and other ones that support baby more may be more comfortable but it is worth trying if it seems something you may use Also how big is your baby? My boy is on the big side (also 14 months around 25 pounds) and our carrier is weighted to 45 pounds so probably can also find a suitable hands free if it's something you like Something like this will be uncomfortable after short stints as someone above posted especially when they near 30 pounds I doubt the 45 pound est is credible on this for any time over maybe 5 minutes if that Here is a comparison thread on tushbaby vs senarah vs gooseket
Get the push baby so you don’t have to carry the weight on your shoulder
If the tushbaby is uncomfortable on your hip you probably need to be wearing it higher on your waist!
I rather use the Tushbaby!
I need to know the answer to this too! Wondering if it's worth it for our trip