Wanting to leave

I can't believe that I am even making this post right now. We have been together for 5.5 years and Married for 2. We have a 10 month old daughter and yall I am tired. Emotionally tired. I am a SAHM in Arkansas, and between taking care of the baby and trying to keep up with house chores of course not everything gets done. He always says to ask him for help but i feel like i shouldn't have to and half the time when i do he has an attitude so i stop asking. Tonight i literally asked him to make me a bowl of cereal so it wouldnt be soggy by the time she fell asleep and he had an attitude about it. He'll say that hes gonna do something and most of the time its me that winds up doing it. From the time our daughter was born to about 4 months old he had extreme anger issues. He never hit us or hurt us but was constantly breaking things in the house. He finally backed off when i talked to him and told him he needed to back off. Within the past couple of months though that anger has slowly been making a return. 2 weeks ago he punch a hole in one of our doors and when i reacted, i was made to feel bad about reacting to him being overly angry. Anytime we argue he talks to me like im stupid and victimizes himself saying that its always all about me when in reality anytime i ever try to say a disagreeing opinion, im in the wrong. The problem though is I am terrified to leave because of our daughter. He cant take care of her and barely helps me at all. He holds her for less than an hour a day. I can count on 2 hands how many times hes changed her, and on 1 hand how many times he has fed her. She is very attatched to me and at bedtime only wants me. I am so scared if i leave and he fights for custody that somethings going to happen when im not there and i would never forgive myself if something did. Im so scared because i want to leave so much that its starting to really get to me, but the thought of something happening to my daughter when i cant be there to protect her absolutely has me in tears and i feel like i cant leave. Theres so much more to say but ive already made such a long post and i am so sorry for that. I have been holding this in for months and i just cant any longer. 😞 (I made this post in another group last night and only had 1 person comment) im really looking for advice and encouragement. I just feel stuckI can't believe that I am even making this post right now. We have been together for 5.5 years and Married for 2. We have a 10 month old daughter and yall I am tired. Emotionally tired. I am a SAHM in Arkansas, and between taking care of the baby and trying to keep up with house chores of course not everything gets done. He always says to ask him for help but i feel like i shouldn't have to and half the time when i do he has an attitude so i stop asking. Tonight i literally asked him to make me a bowl of cereal so it wouldnt be soggy by the time she fell asleep and he had an attitude about it. He'll say that hes gonna do something and most of the time its me that winds up doing it. From the time our daughter was born to about 4 months old he had extreme anger issues. He never hit us or hurt us but was constantly breaking things in the house. He finally backed off when i talked to him and told him he needed to back off. Within the past couple of months though that anger has slowly been making a return. 2 weeks ago he punch a hole in one of our doors and when i reacted, i was made to feel bad about reacting to him being overly angry. Anytime we argue he talks to me like im stupid and victimizes himself saying that its always all about me when in reality anytime i ever try to say a disagreeing opinion, im in the wrong. The problem though is I am terrified to leave because of our daughter. He cant take care of her and barely helps me at all. He holds her for less than an hour a day. I can count on 2 hands how many times hes changed her, and on 1 hand how many times he has fed her. She is very attatched to me and at bedtime only wants me. I am so scared if i leave and he fights for custody that somethings going to happen when im not there and i would never forgive myself if something did. Im so scared because i want to leave so much that its starting to really get to me, but the thought of something happening to my daughter when i cant be there to protect her absolutely has me in tears and i feel like i cant leave. Theres so much more to say but ive already made such a long post and i am so sorry for that. I have been holding this in for months and i just cant any longer. 😞 (I made this post in another group last night and only had 1 person comment) im really looking for advice and encouragement. I just feel stuck
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I’m so sorry. You’re in a very hard position. You’re going to be ok. It may be that you need to wait a while before you leave, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now. It might be good to talk to a custody lawyer to get a sense of how it works. And a therapist would help you with your feelings. If you think there’s any hope of fixing your relationship, tell him that if things don’t change, you will leave. Make an ultimatum with very clear boundaries and requests and if he can’t follow through on them, you could start sleeping on the couch. It’s possible he could wake up and want to change and save the marriage. If you’re not interested in that, just plan and bide your time. You will do what’s right for your baby and you’re gonna be ok. Stay grounded and keep yourself as comfortable as possible.

Thank you so much

I don't have any advice because I am right there with you. 😔 Currently sobbing because we're about to start the divorce procedures with a 5 month old baby and I'm dying inside. How am I supposed to carry and birth this precious being. Be his everything. And then one day just not be there for him? How am I supposed to stay in a neglectful painful marriage though? I'm a shell of a human and I don't want to be one. My baby needs a whole mom. But if we get divorced he gets a part time mom. I'm just so distraught. No advice. Just solidarity. I will shed some tears for both of us tonight.

@Caity I understand 🩷 i still keep going back and forth and thats the main reason why is that im just so afraid that something would happen to her when i cant be there. My hometown is 3 hours away too, so if i left i have nobody 😞. Im just stuck between a rock and hard place. Praying for your situation mama and that it will get better for you. 🙏🏻

I literally came to this group right now to say exactly this, almost word by word this is my situation with my husband and my daughter… it’s almost scary that more people than we think can be in that situation and that some men are literally the same… If you want message me in private we can talk about it 🙏🏼

@Caity if you get divorced you’ll be a whole mom again and a happy one. If this is how you feel married, it won’t get better by staying. ❤️❤️

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