I had absolutely zero signs at all, I woke in the night having contractions and started losing my mucus plug! I honestly didn't believe I was in labour.
@Hannah this makes me feel more positive as I currently have no signs at all and keep convincing myself that it's just not going to happen spontaneously 😅
@Kirsty I was so sure I'd end up going overdue, little lady surprised us all and arrived at 38+3!
With my first I didn’t even know when I lost my mucus plug but I was induced and thought I need the loo but turned out to be my waters ! I was really tired and emotional too
With my last two I didn't have any idea it would happen but I was not looking into it much. This time I feel like I'm way too focussed looking for "signs' idk why. But I know it's best to jus try not think about it and let our bodies take over for this one
I was induced but I didn’t notice any mucus plug until in second stage and my waters went seconds before baby was born x
The days leading up had mild period cramps and lower back pain but it’s hard to tell if it’s just PGP. Night before I felt just unwell, tired and a bit emotional. Same cramps but just like a period no waves. Morning of midwife said baby was still high (but second time so they can move), 2 hours later had bloody show and cramps continued to escalate into a distinctive pattern. Went in for epidural and that was that! I thought I’d be going another week at least but honestly until it happens I really don’t think it’s possible to tell.