Abortion after kids

Has anyone who has children had an abortion after? I have two children under 2 and step kids too and another kid just isn’t part of the plan, I’m so sure I don’t want another but now I’m in the position to need to have an abortion I can’t stop crying, but I can’t have another kid I just can’t. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to not feel guilty. I guess I’m just ranting. Has anyone else been in this position? I never ever thought I’d be writing this. I never wanted to be in this position, it was an accident. We’re so careful. Please no lectures. I can’t stop crying. I said since I was 16 I could never get an abortion. I don’t judge those who do but I just knew I couldn’t cope and I was right.
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i personally couldn’t have an abortion in general let alone after having my kids, but i understand where you’re coming from. if you genuinely don’t want another baby but you don’t think you can get an abortion you could always look into adoption

in the end you’ll never regret having the kid, but you might regret having an abortion. everyone hates the truth but it really comes down to whether or not youre gonna k!ll your kid. even if theyre not born yet, the deed is done and they are alive

I think it’ll be crazy hard but you’ll love that baby just as your kiddos now and you will adjust. I really think that’s a mom superpower that we can adjust to circumstances and it becomes a new normal

Not personally but do what works for you. 4 kids is a lot your mental health is important, don’t let comments make you feel guilty. You’re not “k!lling your kid” they’re cells.

I also think if you’re scared of feeling guilty, that it might just eat at you. My mil had an abortion 25 years ago because she already had one kid and had a busy life. She was literally crying about it yesterday because she regrets her decision so much and it affects her daily.

@Amanda we’re all just clumps of cells. do with that as you will.

@Amanda Thankyou, I too agree that it’s not k!lling a child it’s more knowing what I’d be stopping from being created.. idk. If I was to have this child it would make 5 including step kids and that’s a lot. But they’re also amazing. Idk😭🤷🏻‍♀️ x

youve already created it hun

@Alyssa this is what I fear. My other worry is my mental health has been shocking through both pregnancies and newborn stages. It’s a battle of two evils I guess

It's ultimately your choice alone. I went through something very similar, if you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me

@Alyssa I do agree with this x

I totally get that! I have two under two and let’s just say I’m in therapy 😅 it’s not easy and I’ve dealt with ppd and ppa but I personally feel like the mental affects of pp are shorter than the possible life long guilt.

@Alyssa Yehhh I get that completely. I just can’t believe I’m in this position x

Ultimately it’s your decision and you will know what’s best. I would be considering one as well if I was pregnant again. I’m financially stable, happy household now. But my PPD with both of my children was horrendous. I was suicidal. I would hate to put my two current children through that. Wishing you luck with whatever decision you make ❤️

Sometimes what happens isn’t part of our plan but it’s part of the plan of our lives. I couldn’t ever have an abortion especially after having kids because I know what comes o it of having a baby and it being so amazing. I would miss what could have been. I personally would try to make it work as best I could. Getting a job or adoption if anything. But I’d make it work

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You said you’re already drying about it and can’t stop. I think feeling that way will make it even worse if you end up having one and I think you’ll regret it and regret is a terrible and hard thing to deal with

@Brittany Thankyou❤️ that describes my experience almost “perfectly” although it was far from perfect x

Urgh. People trying to push their views on abortion is just annoying. I would do what’s right by my family - end of. Im not going to do something I know would have a significant negative impact such as my ability to parent and my mental health. Im doing everything In my power never to get pregnant again (everything except for literally not having sex but those who think that’s an option need to get a grip) which is fortunately working so far but it could still happen and I know I would contemplate this too if I was in that situation. I’d be putting my children first (and no I would not class them as the same at that point) which I would have no shame for. Do what’s right for you and yours regardless of what bloody Karen from whereverthehellinamerica thinks

@Jess thank you thank you thank you! Most have been helpful, one sticks out as far from. I suppose it’s to be expected when I post somewhere like this x

I had an abortion two years after my oldest was born. That was in like 2011. I don’t regret it at all and I went on to have two more kids later on when I was more stable.

As for someone who has been trying for ten years to have a child I wouldn’t have an abortion I have two foster kids one high needs and my first child due in a few weeks it will be 3 under 4 I would keep the baby and put the baby up for adoption so other couples who struggle to have kids can have a family

@CatherineIt’s hard for me as I’ve lost two before. I have 4 under 6 including step kids. They have additional needs one quite severe. Being pregnant with all that would take such a toll on my mental health it’s not fair on the kids. I understand ur situation, and I’m deeply sorry for you but it can’t apply to all. I’d sooner raise the baby myself after that than know I have a baby out there. I’m sorry if that offends x

It’s ok I understand with having a baby and a child with severe needs and I am finding it hard to cope so I do feel for you to be making this decision it’s not easy my heart is with you

@CatherineIt’s heartbreaking, I feel so selfish. Wishing u the best of luck xx

Don’t feel selfish your mental health and state of mind is very important for you and your family

Maybe have this baby and then get a IUD or get tubes tide. I’m not hear to judge but being careful is to have one of these procedures or no sex. If after you have this baby jf you don’t want baby you could put it up for adoption or keep baby and love baby and be totally done and that’s ok too. You can do it sure it’s hard but you can. I’m not making you keep baby there are so many people who wants a baby and that be ok too. Seek counseling and try to go for walks or get out and not focus on negative you have other kids who need you too. You got this and I been faced with same decision as you before and decided to keep baby and o went and got the shot but I didn’t know If I was done having kids for good. That baby I wasn’t sure what to do I kept her and best decision I even made she went to college and has 2 kids or her own and went on to do hair styling and is so happy and we are the best of friends, I couldn’t imagine life without her but that was my decision you do what you want to.

idk if you believe in god but god gifted that child to you, children are a blessing not a burden & god doesn’t put you through more than what you can handle.. you CAN do this otherwise you wouldn’t be pregnant. & with hardship always comes ease. plus you get to mean the whole world to one more person. it may be tough sometimes but how many times as parents do we tell ourselves “i can’t do this anymore” & we do it a million times again 🥺 i can imagine how you feel because if i found out i was pregnant again right now i think id probably drop, but i know once i saw that baby’s smile, everything would be okay

I have not. But I would get an abortion tomorrow if I got pregnant. More than half of abortions happen in women who have at least 1 child already. So you aren’t alone.

Every child is a blessing even when we don’t think we are ready or prepared for one / another one. Each one of your children started off as they are currently in your womb and became the incredible individuals they are. You have been blessed to provide for this little one as a mummy, your already little ones will thank you for bringing them a little sibling. I’d be heartbroken if I knew my mum had an abortion and took my sibling, it would break me.

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