Boy name ideas UK?

Expecting a baby boy - no baby name ideas at all. We like soft, traditional sounding names, old fashioned. Girl names we like: Evelyn, Eden, Mabel, Margot. Any ideas?
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Eden is unisex. We went to a baby class with a boy Eden

Monty Brooks Rowan Casper Jasper Archer/Archie Sullivan/Sully Ambrose Emmett August Jenson Wesley Harvey Callum Walker Flynn Owen Drew Rudy Jude Hugh Reid

Harvey, Flynn, Otto, Rory, Oscar, Reuben, Ellis, Callum

Barnaby Emrys Alfred Phineas Hugh Percy Montgomery Nathaniel Timothy Rowan Joseph Ewan/Euan Ralph Oscar Robin Sylvester Elijah Julian Jeremy

Cassian Casimir Garnet Gordon Elgin Ellis Cairo Reed Dominic Julien Jesse Winslow Wallace Leander Gabriel Lorne Edwin Dean Owen Russell Benjamin Walter

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