Sick after returning home
My twins were born at 32 weeks and are now 7 weeks old, almost at their due date. They've been home 2 weeks and since then have gotten a cold (everyone in the house got sick). Pediatrician saw them today and they have mild rib retractions while breathing which is a sign of respiratory distress, but mild enough to monitor at home for now. I'm just staring at these boys breathing while they sleep, which is terrible for my anxiety, but I am afraid I will miss signs of their breathing worsening. Really scared of having to go back to the hospital and see them put on oxygen again, and even more scared of missing the signs if they need extra help!
Our pediatrician did say that they have a good chance of recovering at home over the next few days but we are supposed to bring them to the ER if they get worse. đ©
Its really hard not too stress, however, I had my daughted at 32 weeks as well. Same thing happened, we ended up admitted in the hospital due to having respiratory issues. She was discharged a few days later and I felt the same way but eventually her body was able to recover itself. Because of their age and the prematurity, their bodies may retract, as long as it isnât severe and no other signa appear, I think everything will be fine.