Birth pool on JR delivery suit

How popular is the birth pool in the JR delivery suit? I have been told I cannot go to Spires when I go into labour due to being a high risk pregnancy. I really wanted to labour in water this time. Can you normally use the one in the delivery suit if you want to or is it in great demand and I should not get my hopes up.
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My midwife said that they cannot legally decline you from going to spires and that is your choice in the end, however I was induced in the end due to infection risks but I didn’t get to use the birthing pool either as by the time the birthing pool was ready for me It was time to push 😅

It's quite popular, really just depends if it's free or not. My first pregnancy they did not let me go in it due to high risk. Second pregnancy, it came free they ran it, but by the time it was ready I was about to push too 🤣 just managed on a ball with gas and air and the tens machine

Btw I was high risk the second time but they now have portable baby monitors so you can use the pool

I was told that a lot of people on delivery suite aren't able to use the Birthing pool because of why they are on delivery suite so it was often free. I was only there because of a vbac so would be able to use. When I arrived it was in use and then when it was available I'd started haemoraging so couldn't use it anyway.

There is one pool on delivery suite so you can only use it if it is available. It was in use when I was there x

I hired one and had it at home, but after 36+ hours I went up to JR and had to have emergency forceps so didn’t actually get the experience

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