I've heard of it, but never experienced it myself. Sounds super frustrating! Is it likely to keep happening?
@Heather I was about 2cm dilated, but because my water hadn’t broken they sent me home! Still having contractions- fairly painful, but still not technically labor! It’s insane! The Dr I saw at the hospital was not my normal Dr and she was SO dismissive and rude. This is my third baby and I’ve never experienced anything like this OR gone into the hospital for false labor. They made me feel like a burden. I still have this residual feeling of guilt for going in.
@Audrey I don’t know they wouldn’t answer my questions😔
@Cait That's awful, I'm sorry they treated you like that! It's my third as well, I'd be annoyed too if they just acted like I was clueless and silly. Don't feel bad, it sounds like you did exactly the right thing. I hope you can talk to your regular doc tomorrow for some reassurance and compassion.
@Cait This is also my third baby. With my first two, my water broke and it was easy to know when labor started. This one has given me false starts and it has been so frustrating. I also feel bad going to l&d even though my ob advised to go. I have no clue when I will actually know when labor is serious this time.
Y'all are making me nervous now 😅 With my first my water broke like 12 hours before any real contractions, so I was well settled into the hospital. The nurse was so sure it was just urine (had 0 incontinence issues entire pregnancy) that we were making dinner & movie plans while we waited on the lab result to get discharged, then they come in all "oops, nvm, off to L&D with you!" My second was 11 days late when induced. So I have no idea what to expect this time!
I have had this happen twice. My contractions were very painful and were consistently 3 mins apart for hours. I even dilated some but it stopped progressing and spaced back out eventually. Even the dr was surprised.