Any advice?

Does exclusively pumping get any easier after the first three months of pumping every 2-3 hours? I know after that I can drop a pump or two but I’m almost 8 weeks in and I want to quit. But I also don’t because I want my baby to have breast milk and nursing just isn’t working. But I also still don’t make enough, my supply has increased and sometimes it’s enough for my baby but other times he wants more and I have to give formula.
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Ugh the beginning is the worsssssst! Don’t give up, with each pumping session you’re able to drop the whole experience is 100x easier

Yes it does!! I'm 5 months pp and I'm down to 5 pumps a day, no MOTN pump. The first 12 weeks were the hardest. Once you drop down to every 3-4 hours life becomes much more manageable. I plan on dropping another pump at 6 months.

Also if you have to supplement occasionally with formula so be it, don't stress. Even 50ml if breastmilk gives baby all the benefits.

Your milk doesn’t stabilize until about 12 weeks and it definitely gets easier after that! You can try to do one of your pumps as a power pump and that might help give you the little bit of increase you need, but ultimately remember formula is not bad at all and you should grant yourself some grace

First off good job for making it this far mama! It can be so difficult mentally! The beginning was Soooo hard!! But now I’m 6 months pp and pumping 4 times a day sometimes 5 but I’m not stressing myself out like I did in the beginning and I usually get about 25-30oz in a day! You got this!!! But don’t forget your mental health is most important!!!

My little one just turned 3 months and I only do 5 pumps a day. Makes life so much easier. I don’t know if I would’ve been doing it still if I was pumping every 3h.

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