Soothers falling in public

Recently three of my baby’s soothers has fallen in public and I’ve washed and sterilised them but I’m still paranoid to use them because if they fall at home I know it’s not dirty but public makes me worried. Are they fine or should I bin them? What do you do?
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They r absolutely fine but if ur not going to shake the anxiety u can bin then if it'll make feel better. But Sterilising them gets rid of all the bad and nastys ur baby will drop his dummy plenty of times in public on the floor so do bare how expensive that could get if u bin them everytime x

I love using the milton wipes when out xx

Maybe get a dummy clip? For attaching to baby cardigan or bib? Doesn’t prevent but might help with the amount of drops. Cleaning them and sterilising is fine. Baby will soon be playing in sand pits and mud soon so I def wouldn’t chuck them xx

I use dummy clips, my little one doesn’t really use his dummy but I still use the dummy clip to attach onto his monkey teether so that never falls on the floor. I also Milton spray things xx

Can you tie end of the dummy to the bar of pram or straps of pram? Then it’s close if they want to grab it but also if they want to throw it won’t go on floor 🤷‍♀️

I made my own dummy clips for my baby. Never dropped a dummy in public x

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