Does your child get upset when someone calls and they can’t have your phone??

My son throws huge temper tantrums any time someone calls my phone it’s hard to even talk
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Very much so, I can never have it on speaker because of him and sometimes have to go to a different room.

@Breonna right 😩😩I just give up and give him the phone but he just wants to hang it up and go to YouTube even tho what he is trying to watch is already on tv

No because my kids aren’t allowed to touch my phone.

I haven’t run into this yet, but if I did I think I’d let him say hi then say I needed to finish my conversation

Girl stop allowing your child to have your phone for screen time! Problem solved! And like someone else mentioned above, my children aren’t allowed to have my phone either. They use my husbands cuz he won’t say no

My Little One isn't allowed my phone either, it's just because he can hear someone on the phone and wants to talk to or try to (because he isn't talking yet).

She gets so mad when it’s a call and not FaceTime. The entire time is just “show me!” And “I want to see her!”

No. I have a strict no kids policy for my phone. If they want to throw a tantrum over it, so be it.

He doesn't get upset, but he does try to tell them things. Today someone called while we were in a parking lot. I tried to disconnect my phone but didn't by accident so it went through the car speakers. My son was yelling about how he got a lemon (plush toy from aldi) oops 😳😂

He thinks all phone calls are grandma and I’m just holding out on him lol


@Grace I love his hair, so adorable

My daughter isn’t allowed to use my phone unless I offer it for FaceTime with family or if I’m in an appointment and put a show on it for her. There is no reason a kid should be on your phone so much they get upset when you need to use it.

Sounds like a lot of screen time is the issue

All the time, I can't make a call or take one without him wanting to know who it is and if he can talk. When I tell him to hush or no, he gets an attitude and whines about it.

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Used to but she's learnt when I'm on the phone to leave me to it and keep as quiet as she can


@Kapp my child gets no screen time but when people call that she knows she wants to hold the phone. And yes, she will get upset if I don’t let her hold it. Don’t be so judgmental lmao

@Alice my son only uses my phone to call family as well but he gets upset because anytime I’m on the phone he thinks it’s family. Doesn’t necessarily mean OPs kid is on her phone all the time

@Melanie not judgmental at all😁

@Kapp oh okay so just rude 😂

@Melanie I wasn’t rude at all LOL.

None of my kids use my phone regularly unless one of our family members is on screen time but it’s not routinely given to them to play with otherwise they’re more likely to get their play phones or remotes and mimic my being on the phone than to actually want or cry for my personal phone also my phone is on lock they’ve never played one game on it nor can they maneuver anywhere on it etc my son has his own tablet for that

Luckily usually whoever is calling is someone my daughter likes so she just waves at phone and says "Nana" or "Pappa" etc

@El she didn’t give a lot of context in the poll question, I was just sharing my opinion 😊

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