My boy sleeps 8p-7a, wakes up twice to eat (11/12 and 3/4) but usually fusses once or twice in between. Has definitely getting a bit more clingy, he used to like independent play more, but now wants more attention, which is sweet. He laughs at funny noises, likes to dance to baby songs. He LOVES his activity center, and I like that it strengthens his legs. He rolls from front to back very occasionally but he's starting to sit up supporting himself for a few seconds!
These reports are fascinating to read! Baby CAT is 20 weeks and sleeps from 8ish - 8ish with 3 feeds in there. For naps, she's all over the place. 3-4 hours a day, split up in all kinds of different ways. She loves her little gym with hanging toys. She kicks, swats, grabs, pulls, rolls from side to side, and quarrels with the toys. She makes funny screeching noises and "nay nay nay" sounds. She's drooling through 2-3 bibs a day and stares at us when we're eating. She will do a tripod sit for 30 seconds or so and likes to stand up with our support. This week, she's starting to be miserable if I leave her. And she can only be awake for 1.5 hours at a time, whereas last week it was 2-3 hours. Shrug! Seems like every week is different.
My little guy sleeps about 830-630 every night with minimal wake ups. We haven’t had a consistent night feed for a long time. On occasion he wakes and we give him one. During the day he naps roughly 3-3.5 hours broken up into 3 or 4 naps. Play wise: he is just now sitting with help, rolls belly to back pretty consistently and can do back to belly with help! He grabs at everything and has started to transfer toys hand to hand! He has also started to reach for things from the opposite side of his body which is fun to watch! Toy wise: he loves the kick Mat, anything soft and music related he is all over. He also likes books! He is constantly babbling to himself and at us. And he definitely knows who I am vs dad and every one else. I am his preferred person for all things!
Mine is end of September but was supposed to be October haha. My LO looooves tummy time and does 40ish minutes at a time. She enjoys her activity gym and paying with her baby Bjorn bouncer toy bar. She can roll tummy to back but not quite the other way around. She smiles a lot but we have to work for her laughs. She enjoys being sung to and kicking off things. She pivots on her stomach during tummy time. She also sleeps on average 10-11 hrs with no wake ups :)... Terrible at day naps though as she only sleeps 12-13ish hours in a 24 hr period.
My girly still wakes up 1-2 times a night to feed and that's after giving her a dream feed at 10pm. Lately she's been staying awake after her first night feed for 2-3 hours 🫠. She hasn't rolled yet but she's been very close for a while. She does pretty well with independent play, i can lay her on her play mat and lay down nearby while she coos and plays with toys. Hope that helps 😊