Sick Baby and Late Nap

Hi Mom’s My LO is sick and his grandmother was watching him today. Unfortunately, she forgot his music at nap time which we find really helps him. Needless to say she tried doing it after he fell asleep and accidentally woke him up by blasting it. He slept 9 minutes and she said he wouldn’t go back to sleep. I didn’t get home until 1:30pm which was already way over his nap time. I got him down by 2pm and he is still sleeping. Do I wake him up to eat and give him Tylenol? It’s going on 4hrs and he’s had a bad fever since yesterday morning and his bed time is 7:30pm.
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I found with my twins the more they slept the better it was for their recovery. Just give next dose tylonal as soon as he wakes and eats

Thank you, my husband ended up wanting me to wake him and make sure he was fed and given his medicine. It definitely was tough getting him back to bed after.

Usually when my girl is sick I let her sleep however long she wants. Usually that helps more than anything. I find too her fevers tend to spike more when she’s awake than when she’s asleep

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