I do by month and date, I was doing weeks but stopped after like 2 months lol. How about you? What a Cutie!!! 🥰 Yeah I can’t believe my guy is 5 months, cRaZy!! 😵💫
I do by the exact day every month
Omg my goodness she is too cute!!! 😭😭😭😍
I go by day. Because I forgot the weeks by week 15 😂😂
Each month on the day they were born
She is so beautiful
She’s sooooo cute !
The day of the month . I was doing weeks at first but after about 12 I couldn’t keep up🤣
Month date I can’t keep up with the weeks 😂 also she is soooooo gorgeous
Each month by date they were born
Thanks everybody! I was calculating by week at first but now I’m thinking it’d be more accurate to calculate by month.
She was born on 9/29 soooo almost 6 months 🥹
I do month on the day she was born
She's so adorable 😍 I go by weeks for myself because it's the most accurate, and by the day of the month when I'm telling ppl. I don't want to annoy ppl and be like he's 14wks, and they're there trying to calculate how many months that is 😭
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@Chan ok this is me!
Too cute. I do the exact date