Shes kind of forgotten about it now but was doing this for quite a while any time she could access her diaper. I think the options are layer clothes on top or switch to pull up style diapers. Pampers cruisers is what we did with our son.
Either some kind of pull-up, or I usually just put the diaper on backwards. If they really won’t leave it alone then just put a onesie on that snaps in the crotch and pants over it
Mine does this.l, but only during the diaper change. Are you putting a onesie on her? I can't imagine she can undo the snaps of that.
@Katherine She just had hernia surgery repair on Monday and she started pulling her diaper off Tuesday. We haven't really been putting any clothes on her except for today because we had to leave the house. But yeah she can't unsnap. I'll have to put her in onesies more
I use cloth and my girl has started alligator rolling during changes so it makes it hard. She can’t get them off. Depending on baby weight you could try pampers cruisers.