Speaking or delayed

Are your 27 month old speaking in sentences?
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My two year old speaks in sentences but still babbles. We try to understand her. Don’t always.

Two or three word sentences. He will drop words if longer than that.

yes, about 5-7 word sentences depending on what shes saying something like “‘Mommy I want snack please” or “Let’s go to the grocery store”

My boy is speech delayed, he doesn't have very many words yet but he does do two word sentences and signs a lot

2-3 words. Sometimes 3-4. My son was considered delayed at his 2 yr checkup. We started speech therapy and he’s made wonderful improvements.

My 2-year-old speaks as if she is five. Really advanced in talking. I blame the tablet and her being around adults only lol

Mine is talking some sentences, maybe 3-5 words. Ex: “what doing?” “More juice please” “go play grandma grandpa house”

My 28 month old speaks in sentences but has 3 older siblings who constantly talk to her. Me and my husband are always talking to her. She has grandparents and cousins who talk to her so she learned quick. The more they hear the more they say. She also repeats alot of stuff she hears. If your LO isn't speaking as much as you want them to just remember all kids are different. My first didn't talk the way my 4th does. And if you are worried ask your doctor.

Yes. She is really advanced with speech. She is my second child though. My first child’s speech developed more slowly and she wasn’t using long sentences until 3. She is completely on track with the speech at just about 4.

We recently went through a 2 year sleep regression, didn't even know that was a thing 😭 Now she says multiple sentences at a time. And now she fully answers questions instead of repeating what we asked her. She's been talking in full sentences for a while now, tho. She had older cousins over all last summer, so I know that played a huge part. They're all 4 or older, and she picked up a lot from them vocabulary wise

Go to chatterbox it’s really good, I have advice from speech and language therapist, so there they would say give the child choices, and when you speak , put the object near your mouth and sound out to them or use a mirror so they can see the reflection of their mouth and your mouth, so they can try and pronounce words, and then after that you can form sentences and if they’re visual learner you can get pictures and break words down and get them to start talking more fluently honestly at work I’ve worked in childcare for 10 years and there was one child that was completely non-verbal and just before I finished my last job before summer he started speaking fluently.

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