Naming my baby after my deceased mother?

Ok so my mom whom was my best friend passed away 6 years ago . Of course I love and honor her but my family thinks I should name my baby girl after her but me and my partner already have a name for the baby. Her middle name is his mom and my moms middle name combined yvieanne. But my family is so opinionated about my babies first name being my moms first name . I haven’t announced name to them yet. But I feel kinda bad because I know they are expecting this.
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I had the same, my mum passed a year prior to me falling pregnant and they all pressured me but I didn't cave. She has a middle name that represents both her grandma's but are not their names directly. The expectation is hard but baby is your baby and choosing a name should be one you love, I felt that if I gave my baby my mum's name that took the chance away from me on choosing the name I wanted, as much as I love and miss my mum I didn't love her name

@Krystal thanks for sharing my condolences. And I really feel I want my moms legacy to live on and my baby will know her name I want her name to be who she was . Not who my baby is . I think I would be open to my next baby girl having her name.

How do you pronounce her middle name? could you do two middle names instead? Her current middle name looks confusing. This is just my opinion.

@Hannah pronounced E-V-anne

Totally your choice. Would you consider having just your mums first name as a middle name? It’s a nice way to honour her if you were really close and for your daughter to feel a connection to her grandma. I wouldn’t get too caught up in how it sounds as middle names are rarely used but it’s nice to have them if they have meaning. You could use your mils name if you have another child?

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hate when people, who aren't the parents, get involved in the baby's name. It's not their place. They can provide opinions if asked but shouldn't be pressuring you to name your baby something. I also think it's a bit gross that they're doing this about your mother because of course that's going to be more emotional for you and clearly now you're a bit unsure because of the pressure they've applied. They are wrong. Name your baby whatever you want to name them.

It's slightly less confusing than I thought because I guessed that's how it's pronounced. It sounds pretty but does look like a lot.

I’m so sorry for your loss. We’d thought we’d name our first daughter after his grandma, but when we knew we were having a girl we just wanted a name that was her own, not after anyone else - so I totally get this.

My mum had the only grandchild before her mum passed and none of us have her mums name like no cousins either, I think a few may have it as a middle name or changed up a little though My 2nd born also has my nans name as a middle name to honour her memory My 1sr born I honestly hate his middle names.... andrew after his dad's step dad's brother who passed (we never met him) and James which is a family tradition of his but none of my family traditions which I wanted so definitely do what you want! Don't let anyone else name your child for you as you'll most likely hate the name

My mom died 7 years ago in October & my daughter has her name as a middle name. I really am glad nobody expected me to name my daughter after my mom via her first name lol. Name your daughter what y’all wanna name her. Don’t let others get to you.

I can’t speak for your mother but I’m sure she would want you to choose a name you and your partner both love as long as you are all happy. 🤍

I'm sorry for the loss of your mum, however that middle is hideous 😑. Why not just have both mums names as middle names? As you can have more than one!

Don’t let a single person pressure you about her name! Unless you want to include everyone, it’s no one else’s concern except yours. If I were you I’d stop any baby name discussions with anyone besides your husband immediately. That’s just me though, you might want to keep those conversations open with family and that’s entirely up to you. But that’s the point, it’s your choice. Everything regarding your baby is up to you! (And the father ofc)

Girl that’s your baby do what you feel best!

Thanks everyone! me and my partner are deciding to give baby a middle name that is more honorable to my momma and I’m happy I had anxiety before because I over think and I thought we was stuck on that one option we already chose months ago. . I was wrong and it’s my first baby 😩 🙏🏾💕

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