@Jessica she’s already trying to stand up, she’s walking if we hold her up, it’s not fair!
Mine completely skipped crawling and went straight to walking. Walks slowly now while holding on to something. Older sibling I think had a huge influence.
@Allana siblings definitely do make a difference. Unfortunately her siblings aren’t living with us. My oldest was adopted by my parents, and my husbands son is with his ex wife(he has 51% custody but we’re military living in Hawaii and he’s only 4)
@Allana my son (born early 6/25) wants to do everything his big brother does. Is crawling, standing, taking steps and dancing! Said mama clearly at 5 months! They grow so fast when they have an older sibling.
My daughter was born 7/11 and she’s crawling very well and taught herself within a week
My daughter was born 6/22 but her due date was 7/22 💗
My son was born the same day!!!! & yes totally agree, he's crawling and pulling himself to stand and I'm like sir no be my baby!!!! 😭♥️
@Gabriella my girl was born that day too!!
@Vanessa oh that’s so cool!! she was supposed to come the 12th since I had a scheduled induction that day but she wanted to take matters into her own hands lol
Yes girl 7/29 n crawling fast
mine isn’t even crawling yet (7/20) but I still feel like time is moving too fast
@Hayleigh her due date was 7/22, I went into labor late night 39+5 and went in 39+6, had her at 4:24 am on her due date!
So exciting 😍🙏
Just curious Once they start crawling Is it okay to keep them in footsies (feet covered onesies ) or will it hamper their movement
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@Khusboo I kept my first in feetie sleepers, I’m keeping this one in them too. She doesn’t keep socks on and takes her owlet off when she’s asleep. We also have a very cold house due to my chronic illness (have to be around 69°) and our house stays freezing due to it being small and having concrete tile flooring. (Historic base housing in Hawaii)
Yes girl yes! Mine was born 7/31 and I’m like where did the time go?
My son born 7/9 I totally agree they are growing so fast