Hi, I'm up for that. I've got a two year old
Me too 👋
i know feeling i’ve been in warrington since last year and haven’t made any friends yet it’s hard x
Me too, I have a 9 month old. Lived in Warrington my whole life, never had loads of friends but it's true what they say about friends vanishing after a baby haha. I definitely need to get out more and make some mum friends! x
I would love to make mum friends however my baby isn't coming until July. Still would love to meet for coffee 😊
Join Walking Mums! ❤️ There are free walks and coffee meet ups every week, it’s the most brilliant group of Mums and you cant help but make friends as you have so much time together during the walks and coffee meet ups afterwards. Details are here www.walkingmums.com/meetups X
Hey, I’m in Warrington and having a 1 year old little boy, feel free to message me Xx
My little boy is 20 months happy to meet up for a coffee🙂 I'm stockton heath way x
I would but my boy isn't here yet he is due in July 🙂