Baby pooing a lot more than usual.

Hey lovelies. Sorry for the long post! Just wondering if anyone else’s little ones have had this. For background, my daughter is just over 6 months, EBF and it is usual for her to poo once per day, sometimes once every 2 days. We haven’t started her on solids yet, because we wanted to wait for the below to pass. On Tuesday last week, I knew something was up because at 1am and 4am she pooed in her sleep, which she’s never done before. They were green and a bit pesto like. And then in the day she pooed about 4 other times. They changed between being really green to her normal mustard colour, but consistency was weird. Often really watery, some had mucus in them (although this seems to have stopped since around Thursday last week). Sometimes she was straining a lot and only a tiny bit would come out. I went to the GP on Monday, and tbh I feel like she was a bit dismissive of my concerns. I told her that the mucus isn’t there anymore, and that they’re now just very frequent and often watery. She said she thinks it’s a tummy bug, and that it seems to be getting better on the basis that there’s no mucus anymore. She said if I was worried, I could come back and get a stool sample kit, but that she doesn’t see any point in me doing that because she thinks it’s fine. I’ve seen that GP before, about 5 months ago when my daughter had a weird rash, and she told me that I shouldn’t have taken this to them and I should make an appointment with a health visitor instead. That’s possibly true, but I feel like she’s got it in her head that I’m just trying to waste her time 🤣 Anyway, my little one seems fine in herself, really happy and eating normally. Not dehydrated at all. It’s been 9 days now and there’s been no reduction in the daily poos. Is it possible that for some reason she’s just starting pooing more and that’s her new normal? Also that there still green sometimes after always being mustard yellow? I will be going back to see a different GP, so not asking for medical advice as such. But just wondering if this sort of thing happened to anyone else. Thank you in advance! 💖
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Have you made any changes to your diet?

@Lauryn we were near the end of a trip to America when it started, so I was eating slightly differently. But we’ve been home and eating our normal stuff since Friday but no change in her poo frequency or colour variation still

Possibly teething? Sometimes, that can change bowel movements. I used to know my little one was teething as her bowel movements would change first before any other signs.

Teething is usually a pretty good guess when their poos start to become absolutely shocking 🤣

@Heather @Rhiannon oh my god no way! I guess that makes sense though, they’re dribbling sooo much so it’s bound to make their poos weird. Thank you both so much, I feel loads more at ease knowing that. Also the poos definitely are shocking 🤣🤣

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