Hey ya’ll, haven’t been on here in awhile, so quick question what are some ideas to help my toddler learn to talk, I mean she can say mom, dada, I love you, but what are some ideas to get some sentences going.
My daughter has a book that has different animals and objects grouped by type and when she touches the item it speaks the word. She loves it and will sit there by herself. When we read together i ask her what things are like animals. We also just talk to her alot and encourage her to talk. Like say hello, bye, thank you, please and just asking when she wants something. When she asks for something its usually more please, chip please, up please, down please, etc. nothing too complicated.
Act like you don’t know what they want when they point or fuss, I always tell my son “I don’t know, use your words?!” But try to keep it calm and fun
My daughter has a book that has different animals and objects grouped by type and when she touches the item it speaks the word. She loves it and will sit there by herself. When we read together i ask her what things are like animals. We also just talk to her alot and encourage her to talk. Like say hello, bye, thank you, please and just asking when she wants something. When she asks for something its usually more please, chip please, up please, down please, etc. nothing too complicated.