Lighter movements

Im 38 weeks today and movements feel a bit lighter than they have been more like a tickle or brushing feeling inside has anyone else had this?
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Not experienced this myself but I have read that movements can be lighter towards the end as baby has less room to move around. If you're worried though give triage a call xx

Go get checked as with my first it wasn't much of a difference in movement feeling and I'm still feeling strong movements now with this one. Always better to get checked and know for sure everything is okay 😊

The feeling of the movements will change but the frequency shouldn’t 😊 I’m 38 weeks and over the last 2 weeks I’ve felt a change because there’s less room in there to move around. Its more like little brushes/ kicks than big movements now

Thanks all shes been moving now and pushing down when she moves wow the pain down below lol

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