I can relate guys. My son is 3 years and 5 months. I think it’s just them exerted their own personalities and trying to have some agency in the world but it’s so challenging. Bedtimes have become nightmarish!
My son just had a lovely morning, nice and calm…. Chocolate mousse as a treat, so I thought to tidy up abit and went into full blown tantrum mode and bit me because he wasn’t getting attention for 5 minutes…. I feel you… currently pregnant with number 2 and a very over it too
Exactly the same!
Oh my this sounds exactly like my 3 year old boy 🙈💙I also have a 4 months old and since towards the end of my pregnancy my firstborn has become quite difficult and would not do one single thing we ask him to do 😢I do hope it’s just a phase! He does get a lot of attention too so not sure why he’s like this all the time x
Thank you ladies ❤️ honestly I feel so disconnected to him, when I used to feel so connected 😢 I really think I’ve given up trying/caring now. It’s so draining, i just watch him misbehaving now, rather than trying to stop him :(
Hopefully the Spring sun, and fresh air will help, might have been a case of winter blues for them …. 🙃😅
The one thing I have realised with my son is although he gets my attention it's always partly split with something else feeding his brother or tidying etc. One thing that has help a little is having our time, just the two of us. Going to the park or reading in his bedroom whilst my husband has his little brother
I cannot tell you how much I needed to read this today. We’re all in the 3 year old trenches. Sending everyone strength!!! So refreshing to hear this rather than all pretending all is fine !
Right here in the thick of it with you. Me and my partner were toasting to making it out the 2s, but my god the 3s have been MUCH worse. The whining, the tantrums, the back chat, the fussiness! Im over it all now 😮💨😂 My flabbers are gasted!
I think theres something in the air because honestly with my first two, we survived terrible twos and progressed to terrific threes but this time its been terrible twos followed by terrorising threes! I walk away and take 5 daily locked in the bathroom, just to regroup! But I am hopeful starting nursery will mellow him out a bit.....that failing its a welcomed break. It gets better honestly♥️
I could of wrote this myself, I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old and my 3 year old behavior is so bad, I am literally at breaking point, yesterday I couldn’t stop crying, she doesn’t listen to a thing I ask her, she talks back to me constantly, if it’s not about her getting attention she will have the biggest tantrum that can last up to an hour, I feel so lost, iv tried EVERYTHING, gentle parenting, being tougher, being stricter etc and nothing works. Iv had to get in contact with my health visitor because I literally don’t know what to do anymore. I really hope your ok, I know how hard it can be 🩷 my inbox is always open if you ever need a chat xx