40 weeks
You’re in labour, congrats! Mine looked like this from the minute they started haha and by the time I got to the hospital which was 5 minutes away, I was already 5cm dilated. Little man came about 4 hours later. Good luck ☺️
Looks like you have to head to the hospital soon! So exciting 🤗 wishing you the best
@Erica definitely in labor!🥳🥳
@Courtney did you ask for an epidural?
@Irene thank you so much.
Your in labor mama ❤️ good luck. Do you have any more signs other than contractions? Lol
I just had my little girl
Congratulations!!!! 🎉
@Erica haha thought it might happen quickly, congrats!! 😘 soak it all up 🥰 I sure did ask for an epidural but by the time the anaesthesiologist got there I was already in active labour so they didn’t give it to me. #drugfree #hurtlikeabitch 😅
You need to go hospital x
@Courtney thank you so much.. I would not recommend unmedicated labour though, the ring of fire sucks really bad. it all happened so fast and the adrenaline is insane. So well worth it though, hearing her cry and have her tiny hands cling on to my finger is everything and more..
@Erica congratulations mama!!!! What app is this you’re using for the contractions? I’m due April 4 and haven’t found one yet!
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@Jordan Pfannenstiel I used an app that was literally called "contractions counter"
You’re in labor. But honestly u might not be dilated. Mine was like this and I was only a cm dilated. I was 4 the next night. But good luck mama. I think u should def go in
@Jordan Pfannenstiel thank you so much.. it’s called contraction timer on the App Store
@Jody she'd given birth within an hour of posting😅
@Katie ohh damn. That baby was ready to go. Thanks for the update
So they're a minute apart lasted about 2m every contraction how far along are u?