Helllllo everyone

My 7 yr old daughter born on June 9th 2017, she have mild autism, I'm curious does anyone else have a kids that have mild autism? will the mild autism effect of her living on her own?
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Hello. My 7year old son lives on his own world with his ADD and Autism

Hey, I’m an occupational therapist. Mild Autism would be a level 1 diagnosis. Many people live on their own. My husband has what we called Asperger’s years ago (mild or high functioning autism) as well as my son who is 13 and thriving academically. He’s socially awkward and very quirky, but has friends and plans to go to college.


It’s important to remember that the levels were designated for the purpose of determining how much we (individual Autistic people) are burdening society. It’s not an accurate representation of our inner selves. The Activistic Autistic is an excellent example of a non-speaking Autistic with a fabulous online presence and community. 😊 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88MraXd/ https://www.facebook.com/share/15vMfxyRob/?mibextid=wwXIfr I also recommend Neurodivergent Parenting: Think Outside The Box, NeuroWild ,Kristy Forbes - Autism & ND Support, Robyn Gobbel - Trauma, Toxic Stress, & Baffling Behaviors (brain development) for resources on Facebook.

Most Autistic people who were called high-functioning or Asperger’s (an outdated term named after a Nazi doctor) are high-masking for the comfort of neurotypical people. We don’t “suffer from being Autistic”, we are hindered by society’s judgements and lack of decent accommodations. This is exhausting and can seriously impact long-term health. These phrases are dangerously outdated and should be discontinued.

My 7 year old has autism. Everyone with autism is different in how they function. Just make sure she has services in place. My husband also has autism and he has lived on his own before and has a job.

@Diamond awe that's early

These are amazing resources, thank you all for sharing.

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