Your feelings are valid, and you should feel able to express yourself whilst also being happy that they will have cousins of a similar age. I've had to deal with similar feelings, though my are main around my body not doing what it should naturally and therefore it being easier for other to get pregnant. I had an early miscarriage last year and then finding out when I was already 11 weeks (after 2 months of tests to see if it was something more sinister) that I was pregnant. I'm now 15 weeks and my sister in law has also just found out she is 4 weeks along, so there are lots of emotions especially as they conceived so quickly after trying and my husband and I have had to wait a long time for our first, but overall I'm hugely pleased an look forward to our children being similar ages.
We had our first baby after years of infertility. When I found out my brother and his wife were having their second child a month after us and my husband’s sister and her partner were having a baby the month before my reaction was quite the opposite to yours. I was so excited that they would be growing up with cousins a similar age. Now they are all 3 years old they are so cute together. Perhaps focus on how great it will be for them having cousins close in age.
The other thing that was good about it was that me and my brother also became closer despite him being overseas because we could share our experience of parenthood as we were going through similar things at similar times.
I would absolutely love it if my brother had a baby around the same time as me!
There is enough love to go round! Your child will still have their ‘moment’ but yes just think of all the cousins together 🥰🥰🥰 I’m desperate for one of my sisters to have a baby!!
My twin sister had a boy first and he had nearly two years on his own and then I had my daughter. My sister had another baby 5 months later and tbh I was really happy !! We have had maternity leave off together and have taken them to baby classes together ect. As they older will be nice seeing them play together. But it did make her less of a little baby even though she was still little to me whereas with my nephew he was little for two years if that makes sense? I understand how and why you feel that way though as I have has moments where I have thought it but more so with first born grandchild and my daughter rather than with my sisters second child!
Yeah get over it, this is childish as fuck. When I announced my 1st pregnancy so did my brother, then when I announced my 2nd so did my exes brother lol. I honestly didn't care, as it didn't take away from my children. My 3rd is my parents 7th grandchild, and 5th granddaughter! But they adore her just as much as the others.
Ya sorry but you don’t get to be angry because people are expanding their own families. My son is only 6 months older than my niece and my next baby will be 9 months younger. There is more then enough love to go around nobody “runs” the family or the home they are both equally loved and there is clearly no favoritism if there is that’s the person showing it’s fault not the babies or yours
Im struggling to relate to this. My children don't and won't ever have any biological cousins. If you feel you won't get your moment perhaps there's a bigger issue here. Are they generally not supportive? Or do you crave being centre of attention? I'm not saying your feelings aren't valid but equally I don't understand.
I had the exact same thing. I'm the youngest of 3 and the only girl and I had my son in march last year. 7 weeks later my brother had his daughter, the only girl on my side of the family. Then in October was another boy on my husband's side and in November was another boy on my side. So everyone else's babies got their time and then we had a whole 7 weeks of being the baby in the family before 3 more showed up. Your feelings are completely valid but it is lovely that my son will have 3 cousins at such close ages, I definitely feel fine about it now 😊
So no one you know is allowed to get pregnant until your kid has reached a certain age and gotten lots of attention?
Your feelings are valid. My baby was supposed to be the last but my sil is 22 weeks pregnant. It took a while for me to be OK with that. My family all live close together and my son is really close to my nieces (there's 18 months between the 3), so hopefully my daughter and nephew will be close too. I then had "feelings" around them having a boy as he's the only grandchild to have our surname (my son has my husband's name, and my brother has a stepson who took our name when bro & sil got married, I'm double barrelled so have both). I don't want my son to be second best because of his last name. I know I'm being irrational but I can't help how I feel. And it's OK for you to feel how you do. Just don't let it ruin any of your relationships, at the end of the day, a baby is a happy thing
I think excitement is the biggest for the first grandchild/niece/nephew and then it’s less and less 😅 that doesn’t mean they aren’t loved the same! BTW you didn’t mention if your family also lives in the UK or back in Canada. As an expat, I personally don’t think it makes sense to be comparing the amount of attention your family gives you vs siblings who live close by. At the end of the day, you also cannot give that much attention to them, can’t always be there when they need you etc. it’s a bitter pill to swallow for sure so your feelings are valid but it’s best to get over it in my experience.
Feelings can be petty and still valid! My sister and I got pregnant within two months of each other - I’ve had my moments of this, even though I know it’s daft and I’m overwhelmingly happy. Heck in those first few months, anything that made my baby seem like ‘just another baby’ briefly offended me lol - a younger baby started at daycare and my first thought was ‘how dare he!’ It’s I think natural to have these types of feelings, particularly in that wild post partum period - we can’t always be rational and reasoned in our reflexive thoughts. So long as you don’t make them anyone else’s problem (which it doesn’t sound like you are.) Congratulations on the little one!
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I would hope that your family’s ability to love stretches to more than one kid at a time. I think you are overthinking this moment in the sun. Your baby should be loved even if it’s coming at a similar time to another. It’s just as exciting and I know my family would be excited for both babies. Plus cousins close in age is great.
You should be happy the baby will have cousins same age 😊