
So unsure what to do, my baby was born at 32 +3 she’s now 35 +1, my aim was to just breastfeed but I’ve been struggling with my milk supply so she’s been having expressed milk and formula through her feeding tube, we started to breastfeed a week ago during the day and then using the tube only at night time with occasional top ups during the day depending on how long she’s fed for on the boob. The Drs have come round today and we’ve realised she’s losing weight, I’m now sitting here debating doing breastfeeding with top ups of formula through a bottle as ultimately I don’t want her to lose weight and the only thing holding her in the nicu now is her feeding tube. I am sitting in the nicu currently beating myself up as I don’t know what to do for the best, I love the feeling I get when she does breastfeed and I would love to carry on but I also need her to keep gaining weight. I’m also beating myself up as I failed her by not being able to keep her inside me long enough and now I’m failing her again because of the milk situation 🤦‍♀️ at a lose of what to do for the best (fed is best obviously but the option of breastfeeding got taken away from me with our son and she latches so well that I don’t want to give up on breastfeeding)
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Awww don't beat yourself up, this was me 3yrs ago my son was cluster feeding and I couldn't get any sleep while I was rooming in..... I had a complete meltdown as I was told to make sure I get fresh air etc.... I said how can I when he's glued to me! He also kept pulling his tube out, So in the end we did give him a bottle to start with , with my milk and he finished 4oz of I was soo shocked! I did carry on pumping etc but he was born at 24wks sooo after 6months I was ready to quit 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🩷 I then went on to have my daughter January 2024, I didn't pump or breastfeed, I did feel mum guilt, then I thought to myself As long as their fed that's the main thing! You can still use your milk in her food when she's weaning and even give her milk baths at home and also do combo feeds your milk plus formula 💜 Have a costa and just have a little think , maybe eveb wrote a pro and cons list, but whatever you'll know what's best, Cos your her mum 💜💜

Don’t beat yourself up at all! Sounds like you’re trying the hardest seems similar to my 32 week old. What I ended up doing was pumping and giving the drs my milk to fortify (help with weight gain) Breastfeeding him for however long he wanted then we’d aspirate some milk out of his tube (like testing his PH) and if there was loads pushing it back down if not giving him a top up by bottle of my fortified milk collection I’d built up there. Then he started gaining slowly and we moved onto 50/50 breast and bottle (occasionally through tube) which he was discharged on, came home with the tube and as soon as he was home just wanted to breast feed all the time x

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