Reasonable or not?

2 of my friends don’t like each other, no particular reason. The 3 of us were super close growing up together but as adults they just don’t like each other anymore. I’ve invited them both to my birthday meal along with 10 other people. Friend 1 is like a sister to me but says she won’t attend if friend 2 is going, friend 2 says she doesn’t mind at all and she’ll attend because it’s my birthday regardless of who else is there. Is it fair for friend 1 to say she’ll only come if friend 2 doesn’t? We’re all adults and there’ll be plenty of other people to talk to, I feel like I’m being made to choose
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While I think it’s petty cause they don’t have to interact. Her feelings whatever they are are valid. But being that they are both my friend I would invite them both and let them make the decision maybe make it clear they don’t have to interact or sit near one another.

friend 1 sounds like she is being immature & difficult when friend 2 is putting whatever issues they have aside to celebrate you on your birthday. i would understand if it was just the 3 of you but its a larger group they can easily talk to other people?

Friend one is being ridiculous

Like you said, you're all adults. She should be able to be around people she doesn't like. It's a pretty normal adult thing to be in situations you might not like people at. I.e- family functions, work, etc. It kind of sounds like there is something more to it than "I just don't like them." I would tell friend A that it's your birthday and you would love them there. And there are ten other people. They don't have to sit at the same end of the table. I would leave it up to them to decide whether or not to go. It's not fair to make you choose. They're the one that is being immature. They can hurt their own feelings if they decide not to go. Don't hurt friend B's feelings when they are behaving reasonably.

Friend 1 won’t go then 💁🏻‍♀️😂 her loss. She’ll miss out while the other girl has fun w you and the 10 others. Meet her by herself another day just you 2. If she can’t be an adult for a day and “avoid” the other chick (easy to do because there’s 11 others lol) then HER LOSS. I’d be the other girl because I have FOMO, I’m not missing out on no party for no one lol, I’d be at home driving myself insane coz I’m missing out. It’s not like it’s just you 3. It’s you 3 and 10 others. She’s being ridiculous. Let her 😂

I think you need to tell friend 1 that if she can’t appreciate that your birthday is about you and only you then she needs to re think your friendship. It’s not about her it’s about you at the end of the day and she needs to grow up x

Friend 1 has to grow up like actually

Friend 1 is being childish here! You're all adults, so should be able to be in a room together and be civil. I'd say to both that the invite is there, it's upto them if they decide to attend or not. If friend 1 is really a friend then she should understand

This is familiar. Friend 1 (also godmother to my child) doesn’t like friend 2. Friend 2 doesn’t really care about friend 1. They would still come out with us (even if it was just the two of them with us) because it’s not about them.

There are 10 other people there, she doesn't have to socialise with her. I think she's being pretty childish, especially if there's no specific reason why they don't get along now

I accidentally put reasonable but it’s defs NOT. The friend should care more about supporting you if she’s like a sister to you. She can simply just not talk to the other friend? She’s an adult. That’s so childish tbh.

I'd invite both and let them know that i did. They can come out not but I'm not choosing between them. Unless one of them did something that was in fact foul.

Friend 1 is being petty expecially if their isn't a specific reason why they don't like each other x

It’s YOUR birthday. Invite who you want and if she doesn’t show up then she’s not the friend you thought she was. If she can’t put the pettiness aside she ain’t worth it.

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