Try to teach them a system for resolving their most frequent arguments. Like, before they come get you they have to... ask for the thing back, tell their sibling to stop touching them/calling them names, ask for space, say what they want to happen, etc. The fighting is fairly predictable, so giving them tools to try before things spiral can help. When you get involved, ask them to tell you what they've tried to get their sibling to stop bothering them. Try to have them work it out in front of you instead of jumping straight to solving it for them. Talk to them about living in a pleasant house and how it feels better for everyone when they aren't fighting. Encourage and praise teamwork. Also, really listen to what the conflicts are about and see if there is a deeper theme. They might be craving more individuality, more privacy, more one on one time with you, whatever, and they're expressing those needs through these "petty" arguments.
Thank you y'all for letting me know
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